Pregunta | Respuesta |
Cones | Cones are very sensitive to light and are found in the centre of the retina, behind the pupil. The cones detect colour but they only work in bright light. |
Rods | Rods are also very light sensitive and respond to movement. They are found around the edge of the retina and they respond in very dim light. |
The Optic Nerve | The Optic nerve transfers information from the rods and cones in the retina to the brain. |
The Blind Spot | The area of the retina that has NO cones or rods so it can not detect light. |
The Optic Chiasma | the cross-shape where some of the information from the left and right eye crosses over to pass into the opposite side of the brain. |
Visual Cortex | the area at the back of the brain that interprets visual information. |
Size Constancy | Perceiving an object as the same size even when its distance from us changes. Size constancy works by using depth and distance. We can judge depth and distance so we know how far away or close something is. |
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