1. Huawei H13-511. HCNA CLOUD. Concepts and Benefits of Cloud Computing


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Manuel Eduardo Peña Pernia
Fichas por Manuel Eduardo Peña Pernia, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Manuel Eduardo Peña Pernia
Creado por Manuel Eduardo Peña Pernia hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
What are the key characteristics of cloud computing? 1. On-demand self-service 2. Ubiquitous network access 3. Location independent resource pooling 4. Rapid Elasticity 5. Pay per use
What are the deployment models of cloud computing? What are the differences? Deployment models: a) Private CC: Used and operated by an organization, like Huawei b) Public CC: Like a switch, which is owned by a telecom carrier and used by general public c) Community CC: Shares infrastructure between several organizations from a specific community with common concerns d) Hybrid CC: consists of two o more clouds presents itself as a single cloud to users. Private and Public cloud in the same time.
What are the business models of CC? What are the differences? SaaS (Software as a Service): provides all kinds of resources to users, including processors, storage devices, networks, and other basic computing resources. PaaS: (Platform as a Service): providers users with application development platform (as a Java and . Net) IaaS: (Infrastructure as a Service): provides users with applications (such as CRM, ERP, and OA), which run on cloud computing infrastructure
What are the core technologies of cloud computing? What technical principles are they based on? 1. Virtualization 2. Memory overcommitment 3. QoS delicacy resource management 4. Live VM migration 5. Live Storage migration 6. Thin Provisioning 7. Linked Clone 8. VM Snapshot 9. High availability 10. Automatic load balancing
1. Virtualization virtualizes physical resources such a computing , storage, and network resources and pools those resources to provide users with on-demand services
1.1. Hosted Virtualization the Virtualization layer runs on the operating system. VMs are dependent on the host operating system, causing large management overhead.
1.2. Bare-Metal virtualization The virtualization laye runs on a raw device. The VMs created support multiple operating systems and applications.
1.3 OS-level virtualization The operating system produces abstract containers, each working as a VM. All VMs share the same operating system and are not isolated from each other.
1.4. Hybrid virtualization the host operating system virtualizes resources. Some of the privileged instructions require special hardware specifications.
2. Memory overcommitment Allows a VMs use more memory space than the physical host has available. Therefore, more VMs are run with the same physical memory space and the cycle for upgrading server memory is shortened. In a scenario that has a fixed number of VMs, less physical memory capacity is required, saving customer´s memory purchase cost.
2.1 Memory Sharing VMs share the same physical memory space and perform reads only. Copy-on-write: when VMs need to write data into the memory, another memory space is assigned and the memory mappings are changed.
2.2 Memory Swapping The memory data that have not been accessed by VMs for a long time are swapped to disks,and memory mappings are changed accordingly. When VMs access those data later, the data are swapped back to memory.
2.3 Memory ballooning The hypervisor uses memory ballooning to release the unused memory space of lighter-loaded VMs increasing the utilization of memory.
3. QoS delicacy resource management (Fusion compute) Private cloud: Resources priorities are defined based on the importance sequence of an enterprise or carrier's internal application Internet Data Center (IDC) Leasing: Resources priorities are defined based on the importance sequence of customers
4. Live VM migration A running VM is migrated from one physical host to another without interrupting ongoing services The migration is implemented inside a migration domain (cluster). Storage devices need to be shared for the migration.
5. Live Storage migration (Fusion Compute) The migration bandwith is controllable to prevents impact on other services Up to eight VMs can be concurrently migrated from a server Cross-cluster migration is allowed
6. Thin Provisioning (Fusion compute) Common: The physical disk capacity actually allocated to a client is equal to the disk capacity originally configured for the client Thin: The actually allocated physical disk capacity is equal to the disk capacity requiered
7. Linked Clone (fusion compute) The VMs that run the same OS can share the same image. These linked clones can be upgraded and maintained by upgrading and maintained the shared image. It takes only 12 seconds to create a linked clone. Delta Data is stored on linked clones. The storage investment is decreased by 60%
8. VM Snapshot Memory snapshot are incremental disk snapshots can be generated to save VM data. The data of a VM can be backed up when the VM is running. Snapshot can be used to restore the VM data. Snapshot can be merged in services
9. High availability (fusion compute) It takes only 10 seconds to detected faults on host, virtual plaftform and VMs. The memory compression technologie is employed, doubling the migration efficiency
10. Automatic load balancing (Fusion Compute) The VMs in a clustter automatically balance loads among each other based a preset policy. The optimized load balancing algorithm prevents invalid VM migration
What benefits can cloud computing bring to traditional IT? 1. Resource integration for improved resource utilization 2. Quick deployment and resilient expansion 3. Data centralization for information security. 4. Smart scheduling for energy saving 5. Reduced noise and power consuption 6. Efficient maintanance for cost reduction. 7. Seamless switchover and mobile office 8. In-service upgrade and expansion 9. Unified hardware and software managment
Cloud computing is a style of compunting in which dinamically scalable and often virtualized resources are provided as a service over the internet (True or False) True
What benefits can cloud computing bring to traditional IT? (Multiple answer question) A) Resource reuse for improved resource utilization B) Uniffied maintanance for reduced maintenance costs C) Quick and resilient deployment D) Data centralization for information security. A,B,C,D
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