
GCSE RE SHORT COURSE Fichas sobre WJEC RE - UNIT 1 RELATIONSHIPS, creado por Alicia Sharif el 16/02/2015.
Alicia Sharif
Fichas por Alicia Sharif, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Alicia Sharif
Creado por Alicia Sharif hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Chastity To remain sexually pure for marriage. Eg some Christians won't have sex until they're married
Commitment Making and keeping a promise. Eg wedding vows
Responsibilities Duties you should carry out. Eg looking after family members
Conflict Working against each other rather than in unity. Eg arguments
Love To have a deep affection that is expressed through words and actions. Eg getting married
Christian Love Christians believe that the love between Jesus and humanity is Agape. Eg He died for them.
Reconciliation Make up again or say sorry after having conflict. Eg becoming a couple again.
Agape Unconditional love. Eg mother and child
Storge Affection for objects, pets or ideas. Eg patriotism for you country/love of football
Philia Love of extended family and friends
Eros Sexual love. Eg the love in a marriage/relationship
Catholic attitudes to sex - Only inside marriage - For reproduction and strengthening marriage - Spoilt if only for pleasure
Church of England attitudes to sex - Acceptable in any loving and committed relationship - Message of Christianity is love and sex strengthens the bond between a couple - Eros
Catholic attitudes to contraception - Prevents procreation, against God's wishes - Natural methods acceptable, NO artificial methods allowed (for married couples) - Sex is for procreation, if used for anything else then something special is spoilt
Church of England attitudes to contraception - Lesser of two evils - Ensures that every child that is brought into the world is loved - Good for couples that can't afford large families - Not to be used to prevent procreation entirely - Encouraged/Good idea
Promiscuity Casual sexual relationships, without commitment
Pre-Marital Sex Sex before marriage
Adultery A married person has a sexual relationship with someone other than their partner
Marriage Being married by way of the marriage service. Legal/Religious bond between two people
Sacrament An outward sign of an inward change that involves God's blessing. Eg marriage
Wedding Vows Solemn promises in the wedding ceremony between a husband and wife
Examples of wedding vows - "Till death do us part" - "In sickness and in health" - "To love and to cherish"
Cohabition A couple that lives together but isn't married. Eg moving in together before engagement to see if they are 'meant to be'
Christian attitudes to cohabition - Some say it's acceptable to cohabit as part of a committed relationship - Others say that chastity before marriage and marriage itself is essential to a relationship
Nuclear Family A married couple with their children, all related
Extended Family A married couple and their children, all living with or very close to extended family (grandparents, cousins, uncles, aunties)
Single Parent Family A family where the children are brought up by only one parent
Reconstituted Family Where one or more sets of children (step-siblings) become one family when their already divorced parents get remarried to each other
How does the church help conflicted couples? - Divorce counselling groups - Christian friends offer support - Offer prayers for guidance, peace and support - Non judgemental marriage mentor schemes - Church reconciliation services
Christian beliefs about marriage P = Procreation U = Union (loving partnership) R = Raising children (nurturing & security) P = Pattern for society (support given) O = One flesh (express love through sex) S = Sacred (blessed by God) E = Endless (lifelong)
Church of England attitudes to divorce - Divorce is allowed but all attempts must be made to prevent it - Remarriage is allowed - Believe that Jesus saw divorce as a last case scenario "Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard"
Catholic attitudes to divorce "Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery" "What God has joined let no man separate" - Divorce not allowed - If divorced, still seen as married in the eyes of God - Separation is acceptable
Heterosexual Being attracted to someone of the opposite sex to themselves
Homosexual Being attracted to people of the same sex as themselves
Civil Partnership Gives homosexual couples most of the rights and responsibilities of a marriage
Christian attitudes to homosexuality (Negative) - Believe it is a sin - The Bible says it's "detestable" - Both churches teach that God disapproves of homosexuality and that homosexual couples cannot procreate therefore homosexual relationships are bad
Christian attitudes to homosexuality (Positive) - Believe that everyone was created by God "in his image" and therefore perfect. - Homosexuality is acceptable as long as they stay celibate (some) - Love is the greatest gift and no one should stop two people from loving each other ("Love thy neighbour as yourself") - Love is the main message of Christianity
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