Chapter 4 - Job Analysis, Strategic Planning and Human Resource Planning


Fichas sobre Chapter 4 - Job Analysis, Strategic Planning and Human Resource Planning, creado por Josefine Marie el 21/01/2020.
Josefine Marie
Fichas por Josefine Marie, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Josefine Marie
Creado por Josefine Marie hace más de 4 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Importance of Disaster Planning Disaster: eg catastrophes or smaller events like building fires. - Customers want assurance that business can continue after disaster - Employees might choose to take care of their families first as supposed to be concerned with company survival
Job Analysis Systematic process of determining: - Skills - Duties - Knowledge required for performing jobs in an organization
Job Analysis as a basic human resource tool
Reasons for doing Job Analysis - When organization is founded and a job analysis program is initiated - When new jobs are created - When existing jobs are changed significantly
Job analysis should answer - What physical and mental tasks does the worker accomplish - When is the job to be completed - Where is the job to be accomplished - How does the worker do the job? - Why is the job done? - What qualifications are needed to perform the job?
Various Job Analysis methods - Questionnaires - Observation - Interviews - Employee Recording - Combination of Methods
Who conducts Job Analysis Peope who participate in job analysis should at minimum be: - Employee - Employees immediate supervisor
Components of a Job Description - Tasks, Duties and Responsibilities. - percentage of time each duty, performance standards, working conditions, number of employees performing job, who to report to, machines and equipment used for job - J Identification, J Analysis Date, J Summary, Duties performed
Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) - Job Descriptions for all US workers in more than 800 occupations - 2010 SOC replaces the 2000 system - This update permits professional organizations + labor groups to seek recognition or a higher profile for their members’ occupations by gaining a separate listing or reclassification.
O*NET, Occupational Information Network - Comprehensive government-developed database of: Worker attributes + Job characteristics - Primary source of occupational information
Job Analysis for Team Members - With team design there are no narrow jobs - Work that departments do is often bundled into teams
Human Resource Manager as a strategic partner HR Professionals are increasingly expected to act as a strategic partner with upper management
Strategic Planning Process - Process top management determines overall organizational purposes +objectives +how to be achieved - four steps 1. Mission Determination 2. Environmental Assessment 3. Objective Setting 4. Strategy Setting
Human Resource Planning Process - Process of matching internal and external supply of candidates with job openings. Checking requirements and availability: Demand=Supply - no action Surplus of workers - downsizing etc Shortage of workers - recruitment, selection
Forecasting Human Resource Requirements and Availability Determining Number, Skills, Location of employees that organization will need at future dates in order to meet goals. - Zero Base forecast (use current level of staffing as starting point) - Bottom up forecast (each level of firm forecasts its requirements to aggregate employment needs) - Sales/Number of workers - Availability forecast
Human Resource Databases contain employee information - permit management to make HR decisions - many workers needed for future positions likely already work for firm
Shortage of workers - innovative recruiting - compensation incentives - training programs - modified selection standars
Surplus of workers Restricted hiring, reduced hours, early retirement, layoffs, downsizing
Strategic succession planning - Process of ensuring that qualified persons are available to assume key managerial positions once the positions are vacant - goal is to help ensure a smooth transition and operational efficiency
Manager Self-service - use of software and corporate network to automate paper-based processes - reduce the administrative workload for HR - Give managers more control over HR processes
Employee Self-Service - Processes that automate formerly labor-intensive transactions for employees and HR professionals _ ESS applications can free up valuable HR staff time, reducing administrative time and costs
Job Design Process of Determining: - specific tasks to be performed - Methods used in performing these tasks - How a job relates to other work in orgnaization - Job Enrichment, Job Enlargement, Job Rotation, Reengineering
Importance of global talent management builds culture, engagement, capability and capacity through integrated talend acquisition, development and deployment processes that are aligned to business goals
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