CMIS 351 Lesson 7 Hardware and Software


Training and Development Manager CMIS 351 Fichas sobre CMIS 351 Lesson 7 Hardware and Software, creado por Adriana Vincelli-Joma el 23/01/2020.
Adriana Vincelli-Joma
Fichas por Adriana Vincelli-Joma, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Adriana Vincelli-Joma
Creado por Adriana Vincelli-Joma hace más de 4 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Hardware -electronic components that input, process, output, and store data according to software
Hardware categories -input -processing -output -storage
Input devices -attach to computer Examples -mouse -keyboard -touchscreen -microphone -scanner
Processing devices -allow for modification, storage, or deletion of data Examples -CPU
Output devices -displays results of computer's processing Examples -video display -speakers -printer -projector
Storage devices -saves data and programs Examples -magnetic disks (HD) -optical disks (CD and DVD) -flash or solid state device (SSD)
Central Processing Unit (CPU) -transfers program/data from disk to main memory -moves instruction from main memory via data channel or bus -performance measured in Hertz -has small amount of very fast memory (cache)
Main memory -set of cells in which each cell holds byte of data or instruction -Random Access Memory (RAM) -contains program instructions -contains OS instruction
Memory swapping -movement of programs and data into and out of memory
Volatile memory -data that will be lost when computer or device is not powered Examples -cache -main memory
Nonvolatile memory -memory that preserves data contents even when not powered Examples -magnetic/optical disks
Software -instructions for computers
Types of software -operating system (OS): controls computer's resources -application programs: perform specific user tasks
Types of OS -Windows: developed by Microsoft -Mac OS: developed by Apple -Unix: developed by Bell Labs -Linux: developed by open-source community; version of Unix
License -agreement that stipulates how program can be used -users by license use program -ownership remains with development company -open source community has no license fee
Application software -programs that perform specific business function -general purpose or specific
Horizontal-market application software -provides capabilities across many organizations and industries Examples -Word -Excel -PowerPoint -Acrobat -Photoshop -Paint Shop Pro
Vertical-market application software -servers need of specific industry -altered or customized Examples: -appointment scheduling software -inventory tracking system for warehouses
One-of-a-kind application software -developed for specific, unique need, usually for particular company's operations Examples -Canada Revenue Agency tax software
Acquiring application software -off-the-shelf: commercial software -off-the-shelf with alterations: modified for a particular organization -tailor-made/custom-developed: adapted to particular organization's need
Browsers -characteristics of both application software and OS Examples -Internet Explorer -Chrome
Firmware -computer software installed into devices -installed into nonvolatile ROM
Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) -important piece of firmware used when computer is initially booted up -loads from ROM and runs through commands provided by firmware
client -computer that provides word processing, spreadsheets, database access, and usually network connection -connect to servers for Web, emails, database
server -provide service Examples -host database -run blog -publish website -sell goods -faster, larger, and more powerful than client -may/may not have video display -server farm: large collection of servers
Manager's buying decisions -specify client hardware/software they use -specify client hardware/software for employees -specify horizontal application software or other software appropriate for OS -no role in specifying server hardware other than approving the budget -specify requirements for vertical and custom-server software
Virus -computer program that replicates itself -consumes computer resources
Payload - program code that causes unwanted activity -deletes programs/data, modify data in ways that are undetected by user
Macro virus -attach themselves to various types of documents -when document is opened, virus places itself in startup files of application -infects every file that application creates or processes
Worm -virus that propagates using Internet or other network -spread faster than other viruses -specifically programmed to spread -actively use network to spread
Zombie -subsequent computers infected with worm or virus
Botnet -compromised machine -set of computers/applications that are coordinated through network and used to perform malicious tasks
Patches -group of fixes for high-priority failures that can be applied to existing copies of particular product -used to fix security holes in computer programs
Antivirus program -software that detects and possibly eliminates viruses
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