Chapter 5 KEY TERMS


Area of Responsibility V Administer and Manage Health Education/Promotion
Sara Panczyk
Fichas por Sara Panczyk, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Sara Panczyk
Creado por Sara Panczyk hace alrededor de 5 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Coalitions group of individuals in an alliance who represent various organizations from within the community who agree to work together toward a common goal
Conflict Resolution strategy utilized for resolving issues or problems between two or more individuals
Culture patterned ways of thought and behavior that characterize a social group and are learned through socialization processes
Cultural competency organization's or individual's capacity to engage effectively within the cultural context of the priority population
Goals broad statements of intent that provide directions related to where the organization or program should direct its efforts
Ecological approaches utilize the various dimensions to affect behavior change. 5 levels of influence on health behavior: intrapersonal (individual), interpersonal (group), institutional, community, and public policy
Mission Statements concrete, outcome-oriented statements that provide information about the overarching goals of an organization in a broad context
Negotiation utilization of a third party to aid in conflict resolution
Organizational Development (OD) strategies and interventions that focus on building capacities and well-being within groups and organizations to achieve maximum effectiveness and efficiency.
Strategic Planning process of developing strategies to reach a defined set of objectives designed to fulfill the mission of an organization
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