Global Salamander Diversity


Herpetology Spring 2020 Fichas sobre Global Salamander Diversity, creado por Emilie Broussard el 01/02/2020.
Emilie Broussard
Fichas por Emilie Broussard, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Emilie Broussard
Creado por Emilie Broussard hace más de 4 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Family: Largest living amphibians Asia & NA Aquatic Laterally compressed tail Head flattened, lateral fold along body Vestigial lungs External fertilization Ventral cloacal glands Lay eggs in communal dens, and multiple paternity is suspected Cryptobranchidae Hellbenders
What are the paedomorphic traits that characterize Cryptobranchidae? Single pair of gill slits Absence of eyelids No costal grooves, no nasolabial grooves
Family: Small to medium Heavy bodied, thick tails, well-developed limbs Terrestrial or aquatic Relictual pops in Asia and 1 in Eur Lack gills, gill slits, and nasolabial grooves Have eyelids and costal grooves Generally well dev lungs External fertilization, aquatic larvae which are sometimes cannibalistic Eggs in gelatinous sacs attached to things (diagnostic character) Hynobiidae Asian Salamanders
Family: SE Na and Miss RV Obligate neotenic/paedomorphic External gills, gill slits Small forelimbs, no hindlimbs, no pelvic girdle Permanently aquatic Aestivate in burrows, nocturnal Fert is external, female guards eggs Sirenidae Sirens
Family: NA Burrowers, breed in ephemeral pools Mostly terrestrial, some completely aquatic Have eyelids, costal grooves, lungs, gular fold Nasolabial groove absent Internal fert. Polyploidy and gynogenetic lineages from ancient hybrids Variation in life cycle Migrations Ambystomatidae Mole Salamanders
Family: Pacific NW Con forests with cold streams Terrestrial (except breeding) Heavy bodies and compressed tails No nosolabial grooves Gular fold and costal grooves present Small lungs Facultative metamorphosis Internal fertilization with spermatophores Dicamptodontidae Giant Salamanders
Family: Eur, N Af, Asia, NA Habitat and life cycle varies Aposematic coloring and secretions (+unken response) Eyelids and lungs present Costal grooves present but indistinct No nasolabial grooves Internal fertilization with spermatophore Viviparous and oviparous Granular skin in terrestrial morphs Salamandridae True Salamanders
Describe the life cycle of the Salamandridae species Notophthalmus viridescens Complex and triphasic Adults are permanently aquatic. Developing larvae could mature directly into aquatic adult, OR metamophose into an immature terrestrial eft
Family: E NA, E Adriatic coast of Eur Totally aquatic, nocturnal 3 Pairs of external gills Tail fin Paedomorphic: 2 gill slits, no eyelids No maxillary bones 2-4 fore and hind toes Internal fertilization Diploid chr # of 38 Proteidae Mudpuppies, Waterdogs
Family: Endemic to Pacific NW Coniferous old growths Semiaquatic No ext gills or gill slits Eyelids, costal grooves present Nasolabial grooves absent Males have unique squared off glands posterior vent Internal fertilization Reduced lungs Rhyacotritodidae Torrent Salamanders
Family: SE US endemics Aquatic Heavy bodied, eel-like Four poorly developed limbs Paedomorphic: eyelids and tongue absent, internal gills and gill slits Costal grooves and lungs present No external gills or nasolabial grooves Internal fertilization Aestivation Amphiumidae Amphiumas
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