unit 1.1 Planning Investigations


Fichas sobre unit 1.1 Planning Investigations, creado por fayo nebo el 02/02/2020.
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Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Planning investigations By: Fayo Nebo
What is a dependent variable? the variable you are measuring it changes as the independent variable changes
What is an independent variables? A variable that is changed in a systemic way in an experiment
What is the difference between independent and dependent variable? The difference is that the value of the independent variable is controlled by the experimenter, while the value of the dependent variable only changes in response to the independent variable
What is an observation? Closely monitoring something or someone
What is an hypothesis? A statement about the relationship between two variables which can often be tested experimentally ; an 'educated guess'
Hypothesis checklist .Is the hypothesis based on information contained in the question? .Can the independent variable be changed? .Can changes in in the dependent variable be measured?
What is the importance of a hypothesis? The importance of a hypothesis is to find the answer to a question and give us an idea about the types of results we should look for in a experiment.It's used in an experiment to define the relationships between two variables
What are three main things in an experiment or must contain? An experiment must contain : A hypothesis Research question independent and dependent variable
What is an experiment? A scientific procedure undertaken to make a discovery, test a hypothesis , demonstrate a known fact
Thanks For Reading! Thanks again!!
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