ClinicalChapter 5


Clinical Lab Fichas sobre ClinicalChapter 5, creado por Malik Johnson el 04/02/2020.
Malik Johnson
Fichas por Malik Johnson, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Malik Johnson
Creado por Malik Johnson hace más de 4 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Alternate forms reliability participants in a research or testing scenario is given two different versions of the same test at different times. then scores are compared to see if it is a reliable form of testing. -Test-retest reliability
Interrater reliability raters agree in their observation cohen's kappa
Internal consistency reliability assessing reliability using responses at only one point in time split half/cronbach's alph/item total correlations
Split-half reliability Correlation between one half of measure and the other •Spearman-Brown split-half reliability coefficient
Test-retest reliability measures the same individuals at two points in time. reliable coefficient/greater than or equal to .80/may be artificially inflated/alternate form reliability
Concurrent validity research that examines the relationship between the measure and a criterion behavior at the same time (concurrently).
Content validity comparing the content of the measure with the universe of content that defines the construct
Convergent validity (scores should relate) scores on the measure in question are related to scores on other measures of the same construct or similar constructs
Discriminant validity (shouldn't be related to it no way) measured is not related to variables it should not be related
Face validity (this appears to be right, can't trust it though) –The measure appears to accurately assess the intended variable –Not always a good indicator of validity
Predictive validity (weather forecast) –Research that uses a measure to predict some future behavior –The criterion measure is based on future behavior or outcomes
Reactivity •When awareness of being measured changes how the respondent behaves •May be minimized by allowing for respondent time to become comfortable with assessment •Nonreactive or unobtrusive measures
Nominal scale no numeric scales (male/female)
Ordinal scale Rank ordering Numeric values limited (4 stars for restaurant)
Interval scale interval between values Numeric properties are literal (intelligence/temperature/ACT)
Ratio scale (ratio between 18-40 year olds) Zero indicates absence of variable measured (reaction time/weight/age)
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