ES 2/6


Fichas sobre ES 2/6, creado por Jacob Sipple el 04/02/2020.
Jacob Sipple
Fichas por Jacob Sipple, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Jacob Sipple
Creado por Jacob Sipple hace más de 4 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
reservoir vs flux reservoir: size of something(mass or volume)(2,000gal) flux is flow of a quantity into of out of reservoir(i.e. 6gal/hr)
% evaporated from ocean returns to ocean 385/425
hydrologic cycle
how much evaporated water from land returns to land 111/71(136%(36% comes from ocean)) returns via ground flow to ocean to even it out
how much water on earth is in the ocean 96.5% in ocean
major sources of freshwater freshwater(2.5%) glaciers(68.7%), groundwater(30%) surface(1.2%)
water usage in world agriculture(70%), municipal(11%), industrial(19%)
how much irrigation water do NC used per day vs california ~1000(NC) 15000-19000(california)
which countries use over 75% of their sustainable water middle east area mostly
top of groundwater water table
how is groundwater replenished percolation(rainfall)
how much groundwater extracted in US/person ~100,000gal/year
how is groundwater found in earth in fractured rock, soil, and gravel
where are streams and lakes replenished in humid areas groundwater feeds into them
climate change impact on groundwater higher temps mean greater evapotranspiration, more water needed for ag, water in aquifers reduced could have more precipitation temp of oceans less increase in temp than land(take longer to warm up)
RCP 6.0 rainfall change look on slides for map NC percip increase 0-10% in 2100
circulation cell diagram
palmer drought severity index measurement of dryness based on recent precip and temp 4 = extremely wet -4 = extreme drought 0 = near normal
which 2 states had severe or extreme drought for more than 20% of 1895-1995 Colorado and Wyoming
when was dustbowl palmer index in kansas and nebraska 1930s -4 palmer index in most of the midwest
permafrost soil remains below 0C for 2 or more years(can be below surface doesn't have to be frozen always at surface too
where in us most permafrost alaska(around 85% of soil) extends as much as 2000 ft below surface
name of 3 layrs of soil containing permafrost active layer, permafrost, talik plants can be found in active layer
organic soil in permafrost vs world 50% in permafrost if melts would release CO2 and CH4
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