E212 cards


Fichas sobre E212 cards, creado por Sally Cavaglieri el 14/09/2013.
Sally Cavaglieri
Fichas por Sally Cavaglieri, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Sally Cavaglieri
Creado por Sally Cavaglieri hace alrededor de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Philippe Aries influential historian of childhood in post war period~ found concept of childhood did not exist in medieval period Claimed children were not viewed as having any value until they were about 7 years old ~ he used an analysis of art work and paintings to come to this conclusion as children were not depicted as children ~ he looked at children throughout history and emphasised childhood is a social and historical construction which alters over time and place he argued children were not invested in emotionally due to high infant mortality rates which continued into 15th century where a more modern understanding of childhood developed where children were valued and given their own identity ~ this culminated in to what he called 'the child centred family' where parents and children spent time together because they took pleasure in each others company
Bill Corsaro His ethnographic work on children's peer cultures and educational systems in pre-school emphasised social participation and sharing are important part of children's peer culture ~ children collaborate on playing pretend activities they they can relate to ~ such as family, job roles, basic routines events including fantasy play taken from media TV etc. Adults often see role play as imitating adults however he feels children do not just imitate and copy but add their own concerns through play or act out scenes or events they need to deal with so they are able to understand ~ children feel empowered when they take on adult roles and they use this as practice for when they will be in charge and helps them with their future roles
Hugh Cunningham states contp anxieties are not new and notes patterns of change in experiences of childhood across Europe and North America are similar & previous concerns over crisis can be found in the past ~ he argues 20th century saw rapid changes for how children were seen & treated not because they were more loved but because state was committed to child & adults equally & that children had a right to grow & have a life ~ childhood was seen as special state children were seen as asset ~ childhood became area that needed intervention where parents were given advise on hygiene & care children seen as emotional value not just for their contribution to financial contribution, along with compulsory education and reduction of infant mortality were important changes to history ~ also, three main areas of change were 1 - distribution of food where father was no longer seen as main person in the family household 2 - income as children were given pocket money to buy things treat with 3 - relationships where children and parents were more open with each other spending time together he felt children were not better off than before just different - he noted shift in power of families where the child and parent negotiated with each other
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