My routine


Fichas sobre My routine , creado por Ale Breton el 16/02/2020.
Ale Breton
Fichas por Ale Breton, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Ale Breton
Creado por Ale Breton hace más de 4 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
I wake up at 5:00 in the morning
I get up at 5:10 in the morning
I bathe in the mornings
I’m looking for what clothes to wear
I dress
I take a snack
I drive to school
I run to school
I accommodate the notebooks in my backpack
Start classes
I laugh with my friends
I take pictures with my friends
I eat my lunch at the break
I’m walking downtown after school
I’m going to buy candy
I wait for my brother
I watch videos on YouTube
I listen to music
I wash the dishes
I make my bed
I clean my room
I exercise
Bath my cats
Feed my cats
Living with friends
Living together as a family
Washing my clothes over the weekend
Fit my clothes in the closet
Clean the table after eating
Accompany my mom to the super market
Accommodate frets
Going for a family walk
I sleep
I wash my face at night
Brush my teeth
Do homework
Message with friends
Brush my hair
Dinner at 9:00 in the night
I go to my house every day at 4 of the afternoon
Set the alarm
Iron my clothes
Washing my tennis shoes when they are dirty
Drink water
Visiting my distant relatives
I playing basketball
I go skating
Review school notes
I watch series on Netflix
Water the garden
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Ecuaciones (Primer Grado)
Diego Santos
Paisajes de España
Joaquín Ruiz Abellán
Inglés - Verbos Compuestos I (Phrasal Verbs)
Diego Santos
Vocabulario Inglés (I y II) para la Selectividad
maya velasquez
Preparacion TOEFL page 382
Jorge Silva Granados
3. La independencia de la América Hispana (1808-1826)
Tipos de Sociedades
Nicolas Omana
Mariela Monroy
Paula Lopez
Instrumental quirúrgico
Laura Pérez León
Foro 4_MAD
Itziar Arnelas