Chapter 3 KEY TERMS


Area of Responsibility III Implement Health Education/Promotion
Sara Panczyk
Fichas por Sara Panczyk, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Sara Panczyk
Creado por Sara Panczyk hace casi 5 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Culture ideas, beliefs, values, customs, and norms that are learned from family and community, and are passed down from generation to generation
Implementation specified set of activities designed to put into practice an activity or program. One accomplishes setting up, management, and execution of the project, service, or program
Intervention aka program. set of learning activities, delivery plan, and evaluation activities designed to achieve the desired outcomes of the program. specific component of a more comprehensive program
Intervention Strategy specific technique or approach used in an intervention to get the desired outcome
learning activities used to carry out the program. Instructional sessions that will address the learning objectives.
Plain Language strategy for making written and oral information easier to understand. Important to improve health literacy
Project management application of knowledge, skills, and techniques to execute projects effectively and efficiently
Tailored message any combination of information and behavior change strategies intended to reach one specific person or group based on characteristics unique to that person, related to the outcome of interest, and derived from an individual assessment
Targeted message intended to reach some specific subgroup of the general population, usually based on a set of demographic characteristics shared by its members
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Sara Panczyk
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