Java Software Development Units 10-11


Java Software Development Fichas sobre Java Software Development Units 10-11, creado por nina.evangelou el 18/09/2013.
Fichas por nina.evangelou, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por nina.evangelou hace alrededor de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
assertion A JUnit test statement.
black box testing Testing in which a method is tested against its specification, without any examination of code.
block tag A part of a doc comment which contains information about particular elements of a method, such as return values, parameters, etc.
boundary A point at which the software’s specified behaviour changes.
bug A defect in software.
first code iteration The first stage in implementing a core system. In M256, this stage implements the basic structure of each class, i.e. its attributes, link references, constructors, attribute getter methods and toString() method.
fixture The state of the relevant parts of the system before the particular test.
integration testing Testing that problems do not arise from the interaction of a system’s components.
regression testing Rerunning previous tests to check that a change or addition made to one aspect of a system has not damaged another, previously working aspect.
system testing Testing the complete system against its specification once all the components are integrated, including testing aspects of the system such as performance, security, system start up, etc.
test In M256, the activity of checking that a specific aspect of the code is consistent with the implementation model, and hence that it correctly represents the designs.
test case A specification of the data to be used in a particular test, and the expected result.
test class A class in which are implemented the test methods for another class.
affordance The manipulations that something (e.g. a widget) appears to allow; that is, the actions that it appears should be carried out by the user to manipulate that thing.
action button A widget typically used to enable the user to initiate a single action
check box One of a set of widgets (there may be only one) enabling choice (including none) from a set of options which are not mutually exclusive.
command-line interface A user interface which requires the user to enter the names of commands and the names of the files (or other items of interest) to be manipulated.
design guideline A piece of guidance for the design of user interfaces, which typically is detailed and relevant to only specific kinds of system or specific contexts.
design principle A piece of guidance for the design of user interfaces, which typically is more abstract than a design guideline, and which should apply more or less universally to any kind of system in any context.
dialogue box A particular type of window which gives the user information, and may also allow the user to enter information and to select from a set of options.
direct manipulation A style of interaction based on the metaphor of physical manipulation
affordance The manipulations that something (e.g. a widget) appears to allow; that is, the actions that it appears should be carried out by the user to manipulate that thing.
action button or command button A widget typically used to enable the user to initiate a single action
check box One of a set of widgets (there may be only one) enabling choice (including none) from a set of options which are not mutually exclusive.
command-line interface A user interface which requires the user to enter the names of commands and the names of the files (or other items of interest) to be manipulated.
design guideline A piece of guidance for the design of user interfaces, which typically is detailed and relevant to only specific kinds of system or specific contexts
design principle A piece of guidance for the design of user interfaces, which typically is more abstract than a design guideline, and which should apply more or less universally to any kind of system in any context.
dialogue box A particular type of window which gives the user information, and may also allow the user to enter information and to select from a set of options.
direct manipulation A style of interaction based on the metaphor of physical manipulation.
extraordinary HCI Human–computer interaction in situations where the user has special needs.
feedback Information about the results of the user’s action.
functionality (of a widget) The types of tasks the widget enables a user to perform, and the types of communication between user and system it mediates.
graphical user interface (GUI or GUI interface) A user interface that typically combines elements such as windows, buttons and menus: visual elements which can be manipulated by the user to interact with the system.
human computer interaction (HCI) The study of how computers and people work together. The term HCI is used to refer both to the scientific study of how humans and computers interact, and (the focus in this course) to the practical business of designing user interfaces to enable such interactions.
icon A small representational picture used in a GUI; for example, to label a button
interaction design The design of any aspects of a system that affect the quality of a user’s interaction.
interactive product Any kind of computer-based device thatrequires users to engage with it
label Information, usually textual, about a widget.
learnt affordance A view of affordance which stresses that the way a user perceives how something should be manipulated is not a property of the thing alone, but a property of the combination of the thing and the user’s background, skill, capabilities and training.
affordance The manipulations that something (e.g. a widget) appears to allow; that is, the actions that it appears should be carried out by the user to manipulate that thing.
action button or command button A widget typically used to enable the user to initiate a single action.
check box One of a set of widgets (there may be only one) enabling choice (including none) from a set of options which are not mutually exclusive.
command-line interface A user interface which requires the user to enter the names of commands and the names of the files (or other items of interest) to be manipulated.
design guideline A piece of guidance for the design of user interfaces, which typically is detailed and relevant to only specific kinds of system or specific contexts.
design principle A piece of guidance for the design of user interfaces, which typically is more abstract than a design guideline, and which should apply more or less universally to any kind of system in any context.
dialogue box A particular type of window which gives the user information, and may also allow the user to enter information and to select from a set of options.
direct manipulation A style of interaction based on the metaphor of physical manipulation.
extraordinary HCI Human-computer interaction in situations where the user has special needs.
feedback Information about the results of the user’s action.
functionality (of a widget) The types of tasks the widget enables a user to perform, and the types of communication between user and system it mediates.
graphical user interface (GUI or GUI interface) A user interface that typically combines elements such as windows, buttons and menus: visual elements which can be manipulated by the user to interact with the system.
human computer interaction (HCI) The study of how computers and people work together. The term HCI is used to refer both to the scientific study of how humans and computers interact, and (the focus in this course) to the practical business of designing user interfaces to enable such interactions.
icon A small representational picture used in a GUI; for example, to label a button.
interaction design The design of any aspects of a system that affect the quality of a user’s interaction.
interactive product Any kind of computer-based device that requires users to engage with it.
label Information, usually textual, about a widget.
learnt affordance A view of affordance which stresses that the way a user perceives how something should be manipulated is not a property of the thing alone, but a property of the combination of the thing and the user’s background, skill, capabilities and training.
list A widget that allows the user to select one (or, rarely, more) relevant pieces of information to provide to the system.
list box A widget which combines a text box and a list.
mental model Specific existing knowledge, often of the physical world, which users are typically expected to possess, and upon which a user interface metaphor is based
menu A widget which groups together several items from which the user may select. Pull-down, pop-up and contextual menus are examples of different types of menu.
menu bar A widget that takes the form of a bar, appearing typically along the top of an application window, and which provides a way of hierarchically grouping commands. The words along the menu bar represent major groupings of commands, arranged in menus.
menu interface A user interface which presents the user with a sequence of sets of options from each of which the user selects, typically by pressing a button or typing in a number.
radio button One of a set of widgets for enabling choice between mutually exclusive options, precisely one of which must be selected.
safety-critical system A system operating in an environment in which safety is particularly crucial.
slider A widget that acts as a device to input or output a number or other value, by moving a bar.
socio-technical system A system comprising both human and technical elements
tabbed pane One of several separate areas of an interface which appear to be stacked on top of one another, and which are individually brought to the foreground by clicking on a tab at the top.
text area A widget which is like a text field but which can accommodate multiple lines of text.
text field A widget providing an area into which the user can type, or which can be used to display information, or both. A text field accommodates just a single line of text.
usability Refers to how easily and quickly a product enables users to achieve their goals, how quickly they learn to use the product’s interface and their attitude to the interface.
user interface The features of a system the user can use to communicate with or control the system, and those which the system can use to communicate with, or influence the user. A user interface has three aspects: hardware; visual elements; and interaction design.
user needs analysis The process of finding out as much as possible about the people who will be using the system.
user-centred design A design culture or design process where users’ needs, wants, expectations and limitations are given serious, detailed attention at all stages.
user interface metaphor A metaphor applied in the design of a user interface.
virtual reality system A system which gives the user a sense of three-dimensional direct experience or physical presence via cues that may be visual, aural or haptic, and which uses computer-generated ‘objects’ that are manipulated like their real-world equivalents by picking up, turning around, throwing etc.
visibility The extent to which the purpose of something (e.g. a widget) is apparent, i.e. how clear it is what the thing is for.
widget A visual element in a GUI such as a button, a list etc
window A window- or container-like widget, typically allowing a view onto some aspect of a system or application.
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