WW1 Fact Test


History Fichas sobre WW1 Fact Test, creado por jp.rogers el 19/09/2013.
Fichas por jp.rogers, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por jp.rogers hace alrededor de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Reason #1 for Stalemate? Unrealistic Pre-war expectations
Reason #2 for stalemate? The Schlieffen plan, the modified schiefflen plan, and it's subsequent failures
Attempt #1 to break stalemate Battle of Verdun (Germany) February - Novemebr 1916
Attempt #2 to break stalemate Battle of Somme (Brit) July - November 1916
Attempt #3 to break stalemate Battle of Paschendale July - December 1917
Start of war attitudes (both sides) Enthusiasm, expected to be a short war, ignorant of total war impacts, abrogation of Treaty of London (Britain would now NOT defend Belgium)
During-war attitudes Initial enthusiasm disappears, rapid descent of morale (soldiers & civilians), mutinies amongst French ranks
Post-war attitudes Anti-Climax, stress of conjuring a Treaty declaring peace (failure)
Turning Point #1 Entry of USA April 1917
Description... Subsequently, Germany knew that defeat was inevitable. Thousands of new troops when batallions on both sides were decreasing
Reasons for entry of USA Allied propoganda successfully portrayed the Germans as the 'villains'. Ruthless U-boat warfare which came unrestricted in 1917. Sinking of Lusitia in 1917
Describe Zimmerman Telegram Uncovered by British Intelligence, it was a telegram sent from Germany to Mexico regarding a possible alliance.
Turning Point #2 Russia's withdrawal and subsequent surrender Treaty of Brest-Litvosk 3 March 1918 Russian Revolution - November 1917
Why did this not advantage the Germans? 1 - 1.5 million troops still occupied on the Eastern front to monitor captured territory 2 - Troops were not given rest inbetween moving across Europe & the Ludendorff Offensive
Turning Point #3 Ludendorff's Spring Offensive March - April 1918
Inital impacts of Spring Offensive? 300K British casualties Britain & France retreated 65km per week Lack of response from Allies
Turning Point #3 a) Allied Response to Ludendorff Offensive 11 April "no further retreat" orders from HAIG 18 July - COunter attack Battle of Amiens (8 August)
Breaking of Hindenburg Line? September 1918
Who were the 'big three'? Clemenceau, Lloyd George, Wilson
3 Common objectives from Treaty? a) Prevention of WW2 b) Just peace (only on respective terms) c) Satisfy/benefit themselves only
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