French verbs and adjectives in context of the environment


? French HL Fichas sobre French verbs and adjectives in context of the environment, creado por Christine Laurich el 07/03/2015.
Christine Laurich
Fichas por Christine Laurich, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Christine Laurich
Creado por Christine Laurich hace casi 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
consommer to consume
s'épuiser to become exhausted
économiser to save
devenir to become
jeter throw away
utiliser to use
réutiliser to reuse
améliorer to improve
combattre to combat
conserver to conserve
gaspiller to waste
geler to freeze
neiger to snow
pleuvoir to rain
polluer to pollute
protéger to protect
recycler to recycle
inutilisable unusable
pollué polluted
agréable fine
beau nice
chaud warm/hot
couvert covered/cloudy
doux soft/gentle/sweet
ensoleillé sunny
frais fresh
froid cold
humide damp
mauvais bad
sale dirty
sauvage wild
sec dry
tropical tropical
variable variable
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