IPT Unit 3


IPT Fichas sobre IPT Unit 3, creado por jp.rogers el 22/09/2013.
Fichas por jp.rogers, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por jp.rogers hace más de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
What is a communication system? A system enabling users to send/receive data to nodes in a network
Detail the Communications System Framework 1. Source 2. Transmitter 3. Switiching & Routing 4. Receiver 5. Destination
Function of Source? To produce the data
Function of Transmitter To encode the data
Function of Receiever Decodes data back to original form
Function of Destintion? Receives the information
3 types of Protocol Levels 1. Application Level 2. Communication control and Addressing Level 3. Transmission Level
Function of Application Level? Produces the data for transmission & reorganising the data once it has been received by Destination
Function of Communication Control and Addressing Level? To establish and maintain the commnication link. Sends data to transmission
Function of Transmission Level? Defines how, and peforms the actual physical transfer of data along transmission mediums, i.e., a channel
Pneumonic for the 8 functions performed between Source - Destination? MOST - SAES
M Message Creation
O Organisation of data pakcets
S Signal generation by transmitter
T Transmission
S Synchronising the transfer
A Addressing and routing (used in IP)
E Error detection and correction
S Security and Management
What is Handshaking? Agreeing upon a common protocol to utilise during transmission
What is FLOW CONTROL? They are commands that inform the other nodes that the sender & receiver are ready.
What is E-mail? The transfer of ASCII text over the internet. (the email address of the receiver is analysed with a domain name server (DNS) to find the IP address of the destination mail transfer agent)
What is VOIP? Voice-over Internet Protocol! Transfers voice calls over the internet. Mainly using a BROADBAND connection
Forms of wired transmission media? Twister Pair Coaxial Cable Optic Fibres
Describe Twister Pair? Copper wires intertwined, insulated by plastic. Used in LANs, ADSL. 10 - 100MBps
Describe Coaxial Cable? Transmits analgoue broadcast TV from antennas to TV sets. Also, used in Broadband connections.
Describe Optic Fibres? A transparent, flexible fibre made up of extruded glass to transmitt light to the ends of the fiber.
Forms of Wireless transmission media? Microwaves, Satellites, Radio & Infrared
Describe Microwaves? Used by satellites. Ground to ground level, provides large bandwidth of high frequencies. * needs direct line of sight
Describe Satellites Satellites use microwaves to transmit data inbetween stations/other satellites. Transponders receive signals on one frequency, ampify it, then transmit on another frequency.
Describe Radio Used within mobile phones and LANs. Low-speed transfer rates
Describe infrared Used between portable devices for remote controls.
3 characteristics of Speed? 1. Bits per second (Bps) 2. Baud Rate (# signal events p/s) 3. Bandwidth (wide band of frequencies for transmission)
Protocols used at APPLICATION level? 1. HTTP 2. SMTP 3. SSL
HTTP? Hypertext transfer protocol. The web browser receving web pages from the web server. HTML dictates how it'll be displayed
SMTP? Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Uses SMTP servers to relay the message off unto other STMP servers until the message reaches its final destination.
SSL? Secure Sockets Layer Uses 2 keys to encrypt/decrypt data for transmission over the internet
Protocols used at COMMUNICATION CONTROL AND ADDRESSING level? Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) & Internet Protocol (IP)
IP??? Addresses the message...moves data packets...uses IP address to reroute message to most efficient path.
TCP?? Ensures data is delivered correctly. Performs data error and correction. Requires IP
Protocols used at TRANSMISSION level? Ethernet (built into hardware/NICs) Token ring (a special bit pattern traveling around nodes comprising a LAN topology)
Causes of data error Electric, magnetic, thermal interference
What is Parity check? The last bit in a byte maintains an even or odd count of 1's
What is Checksum? A sum is sent in the last byte in a block of data. Receiver compares sum to the sender's sum
What is CRC? Cylic Redundancy Check. Using calcuations, a number is derived from the data. By recalculation the CRC, errors can be detected and corrected.
What is a Network Topology? A description of the layout of a network, including how the nodes interact with each other.
Star topology?
Bus topology?
Ring topology?
What is a HUB? Amplifies and retransmits data packets to attached nodes.
What is a SWITCH? Determines the MAC address of the sender/receiver and connects them.
What is a ROUTER? Uses IP addresses to send messages
What is a MODEM? Modulates the data to analogue form, then demodulates back to digital form.
What is a BRIDGE? Separates different sections of the network into seperate segments
What is a GATEWAY? Connects seperate segments together that use different protocols
What are NICs? Network Interface Cards Connect data between computer into a form suitable for transmission across the network
What are WAPs? Wireless-access points Central nodes on WLANs that transmit data to the other nodes.
Characteristic of a BLUETOOTH device Short-range and low-bandwidth
Pneumonic for the Characteristics of Network Operating Software (NOS) FASSC
What does "FASSC" stand for? File management Administration Security Sharing resources Cross-platform access
Characteristics of analgoue & digital signals? Analogue uses replicated sound waves/pictures Digital is in binary code.
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