Ancient Civilisations: Sumer


Review questions
Moana Hannaford
Fichas por Moana Hannaford, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Moana Hannaford
Creado por Moana Hannaford hace más de 4 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
What was the area called where Sumer developed? The Fertile Crescent in Mesopotamia
What was the biggest factor in hunter-gatherers settling in the Fertile Crescent? Alluvial Silt from annual floods made it good farmland unlike the surrounding desert
Name 5 things the Sumerians developed that are used today Wheel, Sail, money, irrigation, writing, potters wheel, copper, plow, hexadecimal time (60 seconds), oil, kiln
What was the layout of the city-states in Sumer? A central temple surrounded by a town surrounded by a wall, with villages and farms surrounding
Why was religion important in ancient Sumer? Because they believed the gods would punish them for wrong doings, so it helped enforce order- reinforced by the priesthood to maintain control
Was music important in their society? How do we know? yes, there have been a lot of instruments found, including some made from gold and precious metals in burial chambers along with written songs
How did most of the people 'work' for the patron god/goddess of the city? The farmed goods would be “given” to the patron god or goddess and stored at the temple. They would then be processed (grain ground into flour, barley fermented into beer) and given back to the citizens of Uruk in equal share at regular intervals. The priesthood took a larger share and also ate the offerings
What methods can archaeologists use to investigate the ancient past? archaeological digs, building remains, tools, written records from the time, paintings, clothing and jewellery, household items
What scientific techniques can historians use to date items? Stratigraphy (earth strata), Fluorine Dating (using bones), Radiocarbon Dating (carbon), Dendrochronolgy (tree rings), DNA Analysis (genetic code), Ice-core sampling (drilled cylinders of ice layers), Palynology (microscopic organic compounds like pollen)
List 2 reasons why the Fertile Crescent enabled civilisation to develop here Fertile soil from annual flooding for farming and there was plentiful water for people, livestock, fishing, crops and for transporting goods and trading
Name the social structures the Sumerians developed writing, organised religion, specialised jobs like potters, pottery mass-production, agriculture, written laws and records, identification, time, slavery provided a workforce, schools
What were Sumerian buildings made of? Mudbricks
What are the stepped pyramid temples called? A ziggurat
How was society structured? ie hierarchy King or ruler at top, then priesthood and aristocracy (nobles) and army officers under them, then general working class like teachers, potters, soldiers, farmers etc, then slaves at the bottom
What is a name of one of the city-states in Sumer? Eridu, Uruk, Ur, Larsa, Isin, Adab, Kullah, Lagash, Nippur, and Kish
What Sumerian city is considered the oldest city ever? Uruk
How do we know who the kings were? From the discovery and translation of the King List, a carved list of the kings of Sumeria
How did they write without paper? Most records were scratched or impressed into a clay tablet with the end of reed, then dried. They also carved into stone.
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