

A-Levels Chemistry Fichas sobre Arenes, creado por jasmin.sahota el 25/09/2013.
Fichas por jasmin.sahota, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por jasmin.sahota hace alrededor de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Kekule model Alternate double and single bonds
Evidence for this model Only one isomer for the monoderivative
So? All carbons must be the same
More evidence 3 isomers of the di-derivative
Why was Kekule wrong? All bonds were the same length
What length In between a C=C and C-C
Second problem with Kekule's theory Benzene not as reactive as you would expect if it had C=C
Third reason why Kekule was wrong Enthalpy change of hydrogenation is less exothermic than expected for 3 C=C bonds
So what is the other model? Delocalised ring of electrons
Formed by Sideways overlap of p orbitals
To form pi bonds which form a ring of charge
Where Above and below the plane of the ring of carbons
What type of reactions do arenes undergo Electrophilic substitution
For example nitration. This needs a Nitrating mixture
What is that Sulfuric & nitric acids (reagents)
Conditions Concentrated acids and 50 C
Overall equation C6H6 + HNO3 --> C6H5NO2 + H2O
Mechanism – step 1 makes a Nitronium ion NO2+
How H2SO4 + HNO3  NO2+ + HSO4- + H2O
Draw the mechanism check notes
How comes the H2SO4 is a catalyst? It is remade in a last step
What step? H+ + HSO4- --> H2SO4
Halogenation needs a halogen carrier Why? Because the electron density in benzene is lower than in alkenes
Why? Because the 6 electrons are spread out between 6 carbons in benzene pi bond
Whereas in alkenes There are 2 electrons concentrated between the 2 carbons
What are halogen carriers? Fe, FeBr3 or AlCl3
e.g for Cl2 we need to make Cl+
How AlCl3 + Cl2 --> AlCl4- + Cl+
Mechanism for reaction of Br2 with benzene. First FeBr3 + Br2 --> FeBr4- + Br+
Br+ is the electrophile
Then (DIY) mechanism check notes
Overall equation C6H6 + Br2 --> C6H5Br + HBr
relative resistance to bromination of benzene delocalised electron density of the π bonds in benzene is less than with the localised electron density of the C=C bond in alkenes
Phenol is Phenol is C6H5OH
Reaction with aqueous alkalis Makes a salt and water as it acts as an acid
equation C6H5OH + NaOH --> C6H5O-Na+ + H2O
With Na C6H5OH + Na --> C6H5O-Na+ + ½ H2
What is the name of C6H5O-Na+ Sodium phenoxide
With Br2 we get A white ppt and the Br2 decolourises
Equation C6H5OH + 3 Br2 --> C6H3OBr3 + 3HBr
What is C6H3OBr3 2,4,6-tribromophenol (white ppt)
HBr is a Steamy gas
explain the relative ease of bromination of phenol compared with benzene, Does not need a halogen carrier
Why? The electron pair on the p orbital of oxygen delocalises onto the benzene ring
Which Increases the electron density of the ring
So? Electrophiles are more attracted to the ring
This is called Ring activation
Use of phenol plastics, antiseptics, disinfectants & resins for paints.
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