Creado por Chloe Fairbrother
hace casi 10 años
Pregunta | Respuesta |
WHO was HIPPOCRATES, and WHAT was he responsible for? | An Ancient Greek doctor, who had a HUGE INFLUENCE on the TRAINING of DOCTORS and IDEAS about BOTH the CAUSE and CURING of DISEASE. |
WHO spread his IDEAS and TEACHINGS about HEALTH across the world? | The Greeks and the Romans. |
What was HIPPOCRATES BELIEF about the GODS' control over the accumulation of ILLNESS? | That DISEASE was NOT SENT BY THE GODS; in fact, he urged that they COULD ONLY CURE IT! |
HOW did HIPPOCRATES approach NEW PATIENTS of ill health? And why? | He followed a method of initial 'OBSERVATION' in order to take note of the patient's symptoms. From these recordings he was then able to compare each patient's symptoms to that of previously known illnesses. Any links could then be used to determine whether a 'CURE' had already been developed, ready to be enforced as treatment, or if these symptoms seemed to suggest the arrival of a new form of disease. |
What was meant by HIPPORCATES' 'THEORY OF THE FOUR HUMOURS'? | That the TREATMENT of illness was BASED on the idea of RELEASING EXCESS HUMOURS in order to RETURN THE BODY to A BALANCED STATE. These treatments were ASSOCIATED with, and INFLUENCED by the FOUR SEASONS. The key idea here was the use of 'PURGING' to rid the body of these unhealthy 'excesses'. For example... If a patient had a fever, then their skin would turn red and hot due to an 'excess' of blood, (associated with the Summer season) so treatment involved blood-letting to 'purge' this unwanted excess. |
What was his more 'simplistic' and straightforward approach to the TREATMENT of illness? | The idea of 'EVERYTHING IN MODERATION' - encouraging the importance of DIET, REST and EXERCISE to sustain good health. |
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