

Fichas sobre Communication-contact-information, creado por Kamil Kubiak el 25/03/2015.
Kamil Kubiak
Fichas por Kamil Kubiak , actualizado hace más de 1 año
Kamil Kubiak
Creado por Kamil Kubiak hace casi 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Chinese whispers This expression refers to a process by which a message or piece of information (especially gossip, rumours or scandalous news) is passed on from one person to another, and changes along the way, so that the final version is often very different from the original.
Drop someone a line If you drop someone a line, you write a letter to them. I always drop her a line to wish her a Merry Christmas.
Get hold of If you obtain something, or manage to contact someone, you get hold of them. I'd like to contact the owner. Do you know where I can get hold of him?
get/give the low-down If you get or give the low-down, you get or give complete information or facts about something. I'll call you after the meeting and give you the low-down.
hear through the grapevine If you hear of something through the grapevine, you learn about it informally, for example through friends or colleagues. "How did you hear that?" "Oh, through the grapevine as usual!"
Hit the airwaves When someone hits the airwaves, they go on radio and/or TV to be interviewed or to promote something. The hospital was embarrassed when the patient hit the airways with his side of the story.
Hit of the press If a news article, for example, is hot off the press, it has just been published and contains the most recent information on the subject. I just got it hot off the press; another bank has gone bankrupt.
Keep someone posted If someone asks you to keep them posted, they want you to keep them informed about a situation. Our agent promised to keep us posted on developments in the negotiations.
Megaphone diplomacy If the media, through press releases, interviews and announcements, is instrumental in facilitating dialogue between two or more countries, this is called megaphone diplomacy.
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