Creado por Ann-Marie Caro
hace más de 4 años
Pregunta | Respuesta |
Graffiti, murale | Graffiti, mural |
District, quartier, zone | District, neighborhood, area |
Citoyens, résidants, habitants | Citizens, residents, inhabitants |
Spectateurs, passants | Onlookers, passers-by |
Communauté | Community |
Engagement social | Social engagement |
Héritage | Legacy |
Participation active | Active participation |
Clôture, barrière, frontière | Fence, boundary |
Crime, criminalité | Crime |
Vandalisme | Vandalism |
Dommages | Damage |
Terne / coloré | Dull / colourful |
Riche (aisé) / pauvre | Rich (wealthy) / Poor |
Légal / illégal | Legal / illegal |
Sûr / dangereux | Safe / unsafe |
Appartenir à | Belong to |
Renforcer la confiance | Build confidence |
Habiliter, responsabiliser | Empower |
s'impliquer | to get involved |
Unir | Unite |
Rassembler, réunir | Gather (together) |
Rendre hommage à | Pay tribute to |
Contribuer à | Contribute to |
Eduquer | Educate |
Enseigner | Teach |
Informer | Inform |
Exposer | Exhibit |
Afficher | Display |
Inspirer | Inspire |
Collaborer, coopérer | Collaborate |
Rajeunir, renouveler | Rejuvenate |
Redonner une nouvelle vie | Revitalise |
Eclaircir | Brighten up |
Améliorer | Improve |
Interdire | Ban, forbid |
Attirer l'attention (des gens) sur | Draw people's attention to |
Sensibiliser les gens à | Make people aware of |
Protester, provoquer, dénoncer | Protest, provoke, denounce |
Soutenir une cause | Support a cause |
Aborder un problème | Tackle an issue (a question) |
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