Creado por charliwhitrick
hace casi 10 años
Pregunta | Respuesta |
igual que | the same as |
mayor | bigger/older |
mejor | better |
parecido a ... | similar to ... |
peor | worse |
tan...como | as...as |
así que | so |
aun | even |
incluso | even |
por eso | that's why |
tal vez | perhaps |
claro que | clearly |
dado que | given that |
es decir | that's to say |
sin duda | without doubt |
hacia | towards |
hasta | until |
según | according to |
jamás | never |
nada | nothing |
nadie | no one |
ninguno | no one |
sino | except |
tampoco | neither |
ya no | no longer |
acabar de | to finish |
dever | to have to |
hacerse | to become |
hay que | we/you must |
irse | to leave |
pasar | to happen |
soler | usually |
tener lugar | to take place |
volverse | to become |
par | pair |
¡Basta! | Enough! |
¡Enhorabuena! | Congratulations! |
¡Felices Pascuas! | Happy Easter! |
¡Felicidades! | Congratulations! |
¡Que aproveche! | Enjoy your meal! |
¡Qué asco! | Yuk! |
¿De veras? | Really? |
Atentamente | Yours sincerely |
Con permiso | Excuse me |
Hasta luego | See you |
saludar | to greet |
apropriado/a | suitable |
calidad | quality |
decepcionado/a | disappointed |
desagradable | disagreeable |
distinto/a | different |
duro/a | hard |
encantador/a | lovely |
entretiendo/a | entertaining |
impresionante | impressive |
alegrar(se) | to cheer up |
creer | to believe |
desear | to want |
fastidiar | to annoy |
valer la pena | to be worthwhile |
reconocer | to recognise |
querer decir | to mean |
ponerse de acuerdo | to agree |
sentir(se) | to feel |
a eso de | around |
en punto | exactly |
a partir de | since |
en seguida | at once |
pocas veces | seldom |
porvenir | future |
rato | time |
todavía | yet |
ahí | there |
atrás | behind |
detrás (de) | behind |
por todas partes | everywhere |
estar equivocado/a | to be wrong |
cierto/a | certain |
hacer falta | to be necessary |
gratuito/a | free |
gratis | free of charge |
trueno | thunder |
templado/a | mild |
pronóstico | forecast |
sombra | shade |
húmedo/a | damp |
redondo/a | round |
calor | heat |
pedazo | piece |
mitad | half |
vacío/a | empty |
medir | to measure |
despejado/a | clear |
apetecer | to feel like |
olor | smell |
advertir | to advertise |
voz | voice |
dar las gracias | to thank |
selva | forest |
sequía | drought |
aumentar | to increase |
agotar | to exhaust |
recurso | resource |
gases de escape | exhaust fumes |
desperdicio | waste |
agujero | hole |
calentamiento | warming |
efecto invernadero | greenhouse effect |
marea negra | oil slick |
petrolero | oil tanker |
apoyo | support |
amenazar | to threaten |
inquietante | disturbing |
malgastar | to waste |
apagar | to turn off |
pila | battery |
contenedor | container |
vestíbulo | hall |
mostrar | to show |
espejo | mirror |
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