Edexcel GCSE Music Set Works - Part 1


Brief overview of the set works of GCSE Edexcel Music, I strongly recommend you put this on shuffle and work through them over time, not all at once.
Jamie Hanson
Fichas por Jamie Hanson, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Jamie Hanson
Creado por Jamie Hanson hace casi 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Why Does My Heart - Composer Moby
Why Does My Heart - Year 1999
Why Does My Heart - Genre Club Dance
Why Does My Heart - Place in Work From the album "Play"
Why Does My Heart - Key A minor and C major
Why Does My Heart - Dynamics Mostly Loud
Why Does My Heart - Tempo 4/4 , 98bpm
Why Does My Heart - Timbre Vocal Sampling
Why Does My Heart - Texture Layered and multi-tracked sounds
Why Does My Heart - Structure Intro, Verse, Chorus, Verse, Break, Chorus, Outro
Skye Waulking Song - Composer Capercaillie
Skye Waulking Song - Year 2000
Skye Waulking Song - Genre Celtic Folk / Rock Fusion
Skye Waulking Song - Place in Work From the album "Nadurra"
Skye Waulking Song - Key E minor and G major (4 chords)
Skye Waulking Song - Dynamics Depends on number of instruments playing for performance
Skye Waulking Song - Tempo 12/8 or 6/8, bpm is ambiguous
Skye Waulking Song - Timbre Accordion, Piano, Synthesizer, Flutes, Vocals, Bass, Fiddle
Skye Waulking Song - Texture Melody and Accompaniment
Skye Waulking Song - Structure Intro, Verse, Break, 5 Verses, Instrumental, 2 Verses, Outro
Rag Desh 1 (Anonshka Shankar) - Genre Traditional North Indian classical music
Rag Desh 1 (Anonshka Shankar) - Key Based on the notes of the Rag Desh: Up - C,D,F,G,B,C Down - Bflat,A,G,F,E,D,C
Rag Desh 1 (Anonshka Shankar) - Tempo Jhaptal - 10 beats: (2+3+2+3)
Rag Desh 1 (Anonshka Shankar) - Timbre Sitar, Tabla
Rag Desh 1 (Anonshka Shankar) - Texture Melody and Drone
Rag Desh 1 (Anonshka Shankar) - Structure Alap, Gat 1, Gat 2
Rag Desh 2 (Chiranji Lal Tanwar) - Genre Traditional North Indian Classical Music
Rag Desh 2 (Chiranji Lal Tanwar) - Key Based on the notes of the Rag Desh: Up - C,D,F,G,B,C Down - Bflat,A,G,F,E,D,C
Rag Desh 2 (Chiranji Lal Tanwar) - Tempo Keherwa Tal - 8 beats: (2+2+2+2)
Rag Desh 2 (Chiranji Lal Tanwar) - Timbre Voice, Sarangi, Sarod, Pakhawaj, Cymbals, Tabla
Rag Desh 2 (Chiranji Lal Tanwar) - Texture Melody and Accompaniment
Rag Desh 2 (Chiranji Lal Tanwar) - Structure Alap, Bhajan (Song in verse form)
Rag Desh 3 (Benjy Wertheimer) - Genre Traditional North Indian Classical Music
Rag Desh 3 (Benjy Wertheimer) - Key Based on the notes of the Rag Desh: Up - C,D,F,G,B,C Down - Bflat,A,G,F,E,D,C
Rag Desh 3 (Benjy Wertheimer) - Tempo Rupak Tal - 7 beats: (3+2+2) Ektal Tal - 12 beats: (2+2+2+2+2+2)
Rag Desh 3 (Benjy Wertheimer) - Timbre Bansuri, Esraj, Tambura, Tabla
Rag Desh 3 (Benjy Wertheimer) - Texture Melody and Accompaniment
Rag Desh 3 (Benjy Wertheimer) - Structure Alap, Gat 1 (slow), Gat 2 (fast)
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