Latin vocab N-Q


Fichas sobre Latin vocab N-Q, creado por Lauren Messenger el 03/04/2015.
Lauren Messenger
Fichas por Lauren Messenger, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Lauren Messenger
Creado por Lauren Messenger hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
nam for
narro tell, relate
nauta sailor
navigo sail
navis ship
ne that...not
ne...quidem not even neither...nor
neco kill
nemo no one, nobody
nescio not know
nihil nothing
nisi unless, except
nobilis noble, nobleman
nolo not want
nomen name
non not
nonne? surely?
nonnulli some, several
nos we, us
noster our
notus known, well-known, famous
novem nine
novus new
nox night
nullus not any, no
num whether
num...? surely not?
numero count
numerus number
numquam never
nunc now
nuntio announce
nuntius messenger
nusquam nowhere
occido kill
octo eight
oculus eye
odi hate
offero offer
olim once, some time ago
omnis all, every
opprimo crush
oppugno attack
opus work, construction
oro beg
ostendo show
paene almost, nearly
pareo obey
paro prepare
pars part
parvus small
pater father
patior suffer, endure
pauci few, a few
pauper poor, poor man
pax peace
pecunia money
per through, along
pereo die, perish
periculosus dangerous
periculum danger
persuadeo persuade
perterritus terrfied
pervenio reach, arrive
pes foot, paw
peto make for, seek, attack, beg
placeo please
plenus full
poena punishment
poenas do be punished, pay the penalty
pono put, place
pons bridge
populus people, nation
porta gate
porto carry
portus harbour, port
possum can, be able
post after, behind
postea afterwards
postquam after, when
postridie on the next day
postulo demand
praebeo provide
praemium prize, reward
pretium price
primus first
princeps chief
priusquam before, until
pro in front of, for, in return for
procedo advance, proceed
procul far away
proficiscor set out
progredior advance
promitto promise
prope near
propter because of
proximus nearest, next to
puella girl
puer boy
pugno fight
pulcher beautiful, handsome
punio punish
puto think
quaero search for, look for, ask
qualis? what sort of?
quam than
quamquam although
quantus? how big? how much?
quattour four
-que and
qui who, which
quidam a certain, one, some
quinque five
quis? who? what?
quo modo? how? in what way?
quo? where to?
quod because
quoque also, too
quot? how many?
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