Legal English vocabulary


A set of flashcards to help students to learn and practice legal vocabulary in English
Director Instituto de Idiomas
Fichas por Director Instituto de Idiomas, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Director Instituto de Idiomas
Creado por Director Instituto de Idiomas hace alrededor de 4 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Arrest (v) To use the power of the law to put someone in prison after a judge's sentence
Accuse (v) To blame someone for doing something illegal or incorrect.
Acquit (v) To decide that someone is not guilty of commiting a crime
Adjourn (v) To end meeting or leave a a place to go to another after ending a meeting
Adoption (n) The act of starting a leagl process of adopting a child or something
Alibi (n) The claim of showing evidence that shows that you were somewhere else or with someone else and not have committed a crime
Alimony (n) The amount of money that a court orders to be paid to a former wife or husband after a divorce
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