character evaluation


Media AS
Fichas por ndann98, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por ndann98 hace casi 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
We only used one character for our production and only one main character in the narrative who we named Tracey Walker/Esme Meredith - by using only one character we hoped to build a closer relationship between the audience and the character We also feel that it helped to strengthen our narrative by using only one character; there is no room for confusion between characters and it also allowed us to develop a deeper narrative through this one character
In order to get a good character and audience relationship we felt the main character would have to be fairly relatable to the audience - also helping to keep a sense of realism/verisimilitude in the production From the results of our questionnaire in our initial production research we found that the majority of our target audience would be young teens aged 16-19 which helped us to decide on what character we would need to use
The use of a female antagonist breaks the general stereotype held against characters in thriller films as the male characters tend to be portrayed as the sly, clever antagonists However there are several benefits of using a female young character for the main role in our production, one of them being the free advertising from social networks...
The target audience of our production is the group currently most interested in social networks such as facebook, twitter, blogger etc and so if they were to write about our production it would boost the view count a lot, also... ... being in the micro-budget end of the spectrum making a film with no money gave us no room for advertising and distribution, if people were to share the video over facebook for example, it would provide a great of help to us as a small 'company'
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