Intro to Fine Arts Exam 1


intro to fine arts for ian davidson lmao
leeanne g
Fichas por leeanne g, actualizado hace más de 1 año
leeanne g
Creado por leeanne g hace más de 4 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Hieroglyphics Egypt Uses pictures to indicate syllabic sounds
Cuneiform Mesopotamia Uses signs for syllables and words
Venus of Willendorf Pre-history Celebrates fertility
Stonehedge Pre-history Pagan observatory (death marker)
Ziggurat Mesopotamia (No significant information)
Tel Asmar Statues Mesopotamia Depiction of reverence
Ashurnasirpal II Mesopotamia Sumerian relief sculture
Stepped pyramid Egypt Influenced by the ziggurat
Great Pyramids at Egypt Egypt Almost as tall as the tallest buildings in Austin and San Antonio
Queen Nefertiti Egypt Example of Egyptian statuary sculpture
Akhenaton and Nefertiti Egypt Egyptian relief sculpture
Rosetta Stone Greece 3 languages on one tablet
Euphronios and Euxitheos Greece Advanced style Greek vase
New York Kouros Greece Early attempt at applied movement
Temple of Hera Greece Uses post and lintel construction- doric order
The Three Fates Greece Sophisticated detail in sculpture
Temple of Athena Greece Uses post and lintel construction- ionic order
Discus Thrower Greece Sophisticated use of implied movement
The Spear Bearer Greece Utilizes conta-posto stance
Polyclitus the Yonger Theatre Greece Example of Greek theatre construction
Nike of Samothrace Greece Inspiration for Sports Logo
Laocoon and Sons Greece Uses hieratic style
Temple of Fortuna Rome Example of engaged columns
Augustus of Prima Porta Rome Influenced by Greek sculpture
Pont du Gard Rome Example of Roman aqueduct
Pantheon Rome Contains concentric circles and dome
Colosseum Rome Example of ampitheatre construction
The Good Shepard Rome Example of early Christian art
Old St. Peter's Rome Example of Basilica Style
Emperor Justinian and Coutiers Byzantinium Naturalistic Mosaic
San Vitale Byzantinium Narthex placed at odd angle
Christ Pantocrater Byzantium Example of Byzantium iconography
Dome of the Rock Byzantium Islamic church
Hagia Sophia Byzantium Cathedral then Mosque
Harbaville Triptych Byzantine Relief sculpture: panel work
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