Module 1 - Intro


PYH400 Thesis PSY2030 Developmental Psychology Fichas sobre Module 1 - Intro, creado por Megan Wilson el 07/10/2013.
Megan Wilson
Fichas por Megan Wilson, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Megan Wilson
Creado por Megan Wilson hace casi 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
What are the main theories of developmental psychology? Psychodynamic, behavioural, stage, socio-cultural, learning
Name the main Psychodynamic theorists Freud and Erikson
Main themes of Freud Psychosexual conflicts personality structure: Id, ego, superego stages of psychosexual dev: oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital
Give details of the 3-part structure of personality Id: unconscious, impulsive, irrational Ego: conscious, rational, reality principle Superego: conscience, over moralistic
What is involved with Erikson's Psychosexual Theory of Development? Development influenced by 3 forces: 1. biological & physical 2. unique life circumstances/history/experiences 3. Social, cultural and historical 8 Stages: Trust vs mistrust Autonomy vs shame & doubt Initiative vs guilt Industry vs inferiority Identity vs role confusion Intimacy vs isolation Generativity vs stagnation Integrity vs despair
Name the other Psychodynamic theorists and what is their main theme Mahler, Pine, Bergmann, and Stern. Main theme is object relations
What are Mahler's phases of development? Autistic, Symbiotic, Separation-individuation, Object Constancy
Who are the main behavioural theorists Pavlov and Skinner
What are Pavlov and Skinner's main contributions? Pavlov: Classical conditioning (conditioning of a neutral stimulus to produce a response) Skinner: Operant conditioning (reinforcement)
Name a learning theorist and explain his main themes Bandura - observational learning, imitation, modelling
What are Piaget's stages of cognitive development? Sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational
What is the main idea behind the Neo-piagetian theorists Development results from an increase in a child's mental space, key principles involve Gagne's Information Processing Model, and idea of meta-cognition
What is meta-cognition? Awareness and understanding of how thinking and learning work, and an awareness of one's own learning
Name and give details of the different contextual development theories Bronfenbrenner - ecological systems theory (microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, macrosystem) Vygotsky - socio cultural theory, (ZPD), scaffolding
What is the normative-crisis model of development? occurs in stages, follows a sequence, influenced by biology and driven by maturation (adolescent becoming an adult, moving out of home, getting married, having children etc)
What is the timing-of-events model? emphasises individuals own influence on development through their own decisions, and also other major events eg; marrying late, mature-age student, widowed young
What are Vaillant's phases of adult development? Age of establishment (20-30), Career consolidation (20-40), Midlife transition (40-50), Midlife (50+)
What are Levinson's seasons (eras) of adult lives? Early adulthood, middle adulthodd, late adulthood,
What are Balte's main themes? Biological and environmental interactions, normative age-graded, normative history-graded, non-normative life events
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