
Fichas sobre Sin título, creado por addienicole16 el 26/04/2015.
Fichas por addienicole16, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por addienicole16 hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
AIM Investigate whether autistic adults lack a theory of mind; and to find out whether normal females are better at 'reading the mind through the yes' than normal males.
GROUPS 3 GROUPS: 1) Autism/ Asperger's group 2) Normal group 3) Tourette's group
AUTISM GROUP 1) 16 participants are selected from clinics and the National Autistic Society Magazine, 'Communication'. 2) Consists of13 males and 3 females. 3)Normal intelligence- mean I.Q of 105. 4) 4 participants have high-functioning autism, remaining 12 have Asperger's.
NORMAL GROUP 1) 50 participants with no psychiatric history are selected from the Cambridge area. 2) 25 males and 25 females of normal intelligence. 2) Age-matched.
TOURETTE'S GROUP 1) 10 participants are selected from a London referral centre. 2) 8 males and 2 females of normal intelligence- mean I.Q of 103. 3) Age and intelligence matched.
4 TESTS 1) Reading the mind through the eyes 2) Happe's strange stories 3) Gender identification control task 4) Basic emotions recognition control task
READING THE MIND THROUGH THE EYES TASK. 1) 4 judges select 25 black and white photos from magazines, showing the same area of face and are the same size. 2) They select 25 target and foil words- foil word is always the semantic opposite of target word. 3) Pilot study conducted on 8 people. 4) Actual study then conducted on actual participants, who are shown the photos for 3 seconds. 5) Photos have the target and foil words written underneath. Question is posed to the participant:
QUESTION ''Which of these words best decribes what this person is thinking or feeling?''
3 EXAMPLES OF TARGET AND THEIR FOIL WORDS. 1) Interested/Disinterested 2) Cautious about something over there/Relaxed about something over there 3) Noticing you/Ignoring you
RESULTS 16.3/ 20.3/ 20.4 RESPECTIVELY (autism/ normal/ tourette's) Normal females are better at this task than normal males- 21.8 score compared to 18.8.
HAPPE'S STRANGE STORIES 1) Autism and Tourette's group are told a story, either about a character's mental state or a physical event. 2) Asked questions specific to the situation, i.e. ''Is it true what Jim says? Why does he say this?''
RESULTS Tourette's Group make no mistakes but Autism/Asperger's group have difficulty on this task.
GENDER RECOGNITION TASK Conducted to know if poor performance on eyes task is due to a deficit in face or social perception. 1) Participants are shown the same 25 photos of eyes and asked to identify the gender in each photo.
RESULTS 24.1/ 23.3/ 23.7 RESPECTIVELY (autism/ normal/ tourette's) Normal males are better at this task than normal females- 24 compared to 23.3
BASIC EMOTIONS RECOGNITION Conducted to see if poor performance on eyes task is due to a deficit in recognising basic expressions of emotion instead of lacking a theory of mind. 1) Participants are shown 6 full-face photos and asked to judge 6 emotions.
EMOTIONS 1) Happy 2) Sad 3) Surprise 4) Angry 5) Afraid 6) Disgust
RESULTS There are no differences between the groups.
RESULTS There are no differences between the groups.
NAME 3 FINDINGS 1) Autism spectrum adults lack theory of mind. 2) Women have a higher advanced theory of mind than men. 3) Little difference in overall performance between normal and tourette's group.
DEFINITION OF THEORY OF MIND IS... An individual's ability to recognise that others have different emotions from their own and to be able make inferences about how they will act as a result of this.
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7 Técnicas para Aprender Idiomas
maya velasquez
Inglés - Conjugación Verbos Irregulares
María Salinas
Traducciones de Latín
Diego Santos
Independencia de los paises latinoamericanos
Estefani Tretto
Tipos de Evaluación
Enrique Adolfo Simmonds Barrios
Aula Invertida
Diego Santos
Mi Entorno Personal de Aprendizaje (PLE)
Martín López Barrientos
Elizabeth Alvare
Roberto Vicente Rodriguez Blanco
Anatomía Animal (Sistema Óseo)
Ana Favela
Joan Sempere