Eduquas - RE GCSE - Origins and Meanings Definitions


GCSE (Origins and Meanings) Religious Education (RE) Fichas sobre Eduquas - RE GCSE - Origins and Meanings Definitions, creado por Malachy Moran-Tun el 06/10/2020.
Malachy Moran-Tun
Fichas por Malachy Moran-Tun, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Malachy Moran-Tun
Creado por Malachy Moran-Tun hace casi 4 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Creation Ex Nihilo Creation out of Nothing. Before God created the Universe, Nothing Existed. Only God can Create out of Nothing
Evolution The Process of Adaptation and Natural Selection which leads to Changes in Species over time to suit Particular Environments
Imago Dei Made in the Image of God. Human Beings are Created in God's Image and Likeness. They Reflect the Dignity of God. Unlike other Animals, Human Beings can Appreciate the Difference between Right and Wrong. They can make Moral Choices
Inspiration The Belief that the Spirit of God Guides a Person to Act or Write what is Good or True. The Writers of the Bible were given Inspiration by the Holy Spirit to Record their Experiences of God and Jesus
Omnipotence The Belief that God is All-Powerful. Therefore, he can Create Ex Nihilo
Revelation The word used to Describe All the ways in which God makes Himself Known to Human Beings. God does this Fully through the Person of Jesus
Stewardship The Duty to Care for Creation Responsibly. As Stewards, rather than Consumers, we recognise that Creation is a God Given Gift and that we have a Duty to Protect it for Future Generations
Transcendence Existing Outside of Space and Time. God is Above and Beyond Creation and not Limited to Time or Space
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