Unit 1: Planet Earth (Flashcards quick review)


Characteristics of planet Earth regarding its position in the Solar System
Juan Fernandez Castillo
Fichas por Juan Fernandez Castillo, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Juan Fernandez Castillo
Creado por Juan Fernandez Castillo hace alrededor de 4 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
What is the generic name for these planets? Terrestial planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars)
These are Uranus and Neptune. What are these planets made of? Mostly ice
These are Jupiter and Saturn. What are these planets made of? Mostly gases
This is Cape North (Norway) at 3 am. What date should it be? Summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere (June 22-23)
Why is it so cold at the poles? Because the rays of the sun strike there at a very wide angle, and when they reach the earth their heat is very weak.
What are the vertical lines called? Meridians
This is a northern Norwegian city at 3 pm. What date should it be? Winter solstice in the Northern Hemisphere (December 22-23)
What sort of projection is this one, and what are the main pros and cons? Azimuthal. It is good to represent the zones in the middle (in this case, the South Pole), but it is not intended to represent edge areas. (They appear distorted)
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