Unit 3 Developmental Psychology Research


A Levels (PSYA1 Developmental Psychology) Psychology Fichas sobre Unit 3 Developmental Psychology Research, creado por Gurdev Manchanda el 03/05/2015.
Gurdev Manchanda
Fichas por Gurdev Manchanda, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Gurdev Manchanda
Creado por Gurdev Manchanda hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Strange Situation Ainsworth and Bell A: Assess quality of attachment P: infants 49-51 weeks, middle class, north american, white P: Strange Situation F: 66% secure - explore but use mother as base, 'sensitive' mothers, wary of strangers but not avoidant, cried when mothers left, greeted happily when returned 22% Insecure avoidant - avoident of mother and stranger, especially mother, 'ignorant' mother, werent affected when mother left room or returned 12% Insecure resistant - a lot of ambivalent behaviour towards mother and stranger = infant seeks and rejects intimacy and social interaction, mother shows ambivalent behaviour towards infant, infant extremely distressed when mother left and rejects her when she returns.
Evaluation of Strange Situation + high reliability as shown with similar findings from studies carried out across the world (cross cultural analysis), - Kagan- may be meausring temperament instead of attachment, secure = easy | insecure resistant = difficult | insecure avoidant = slow to warm up + high validity study measured what it intended to, Hazen and Shaver research compared infant attachment types to adult love relationships, found very high correlation.
Cross Cultural Variation : Meta Analysis of Studies of Strange Situation Van Izjendoorn and Kroonenberg compare findings from research using strange situation in different countries West Germany had lowest % secure and highest insecure avoidant bc part of culture for infants to be independent and not clingy - many sub cultures within a large country = making cross cultural comparisons lack validity - imposed etic = invalid tool measuring tool using a method developed for one culture to study another
Cross Cultural Variation : Japan Takahashi A: to consider whether it is appropriate to use strange situation with Japanese children P: 60 Japanese middle class infants P: Strange Situation F: 68% secure 32% insecure resistant = it is part of the culture for children to never experience separation, so when left alone in study they experienced a lot of anxiety and distress, e.g. sleep w/ parents until 2 no insecure avoidant = emphasis in upbringing that such behaviour is impolite and mustn't be displayed strange situation doesn't give same results
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