Treaty Of Versailles Remembers


(Treaty Of Versailles) History Fichas sobre Treaty Of Versailles Remembers, creado por dylanmahmut1 el 09/10/2013.
Fichas por dylanmahmut1, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por dylanmahmut1 hace casi 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Main Aims For Lloyd George A Just Peace Land for British Empire Safeguard Britain's Naval Supremecy
Main Aims For Clemenceau Revenge and Punish Germany No League Of Nations Huge Reparations and NO! German Army
Main Aims For Woodrow Wilson League of Nations Based on the 14 Points Germany was not punished too harshly No War Guilt
Restrictions of the Armed Forces 10000 Soldiers 6 Battleships NO Luftwaffe No Submarines
Fines Germany have to pay ? War Reparations (132 billion Reich Marks)
War Blame ? Germany was to blame for the War
Territorial Changes All colonies given to Britain and France Saar was given to France Poland Was Created Alscace Lorraine was given to France
What was the deal with the LON Germany was forbidden to Join
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