4.4 The Nuremberg Rallies


Leaving Cert (Dictatorship and Democracy Flashcards) History Fichas sobre 4.4 The Nuremberg Rallies, creado por samstevenson2014 el 04/05/2015.
Fichas por samstevenson2014, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por samstevenson2014 hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
What was central to the Nazi system? Propaganda
When did Hitler make Goebbels the Minister for Propaganda? 1933
What did Goebbels organise in 1933? A mass burning of books by Jews and modern writers disliked by Nazis
Besides radio, how did Goebbels use propaganda? Through film, people like Leni Riefenstahl and film stars
What event did he organise? What did it demonstrate? The Nuremberg Rallies Nazi power
What did the Rallies begin as? Nazi Party Congresses held every year from 1927
Why was Nuremberg chosen? It was in the centre of Germany with sympathetic local government
What were the rallies renamed to when Hitler came to power in 1933? Congresses of the German People
Who was Hitler's architect? Albert Speer
What did he treat the rallies as? Giant theatrical events intended to convey the Nazi message
How many people fit in the Congress Hall? 60,000 people
What was planned but never finished? A stadium that could hold 400,000
What was the theme of the 1933 rally? "Rally for Victory" because Nazis had come to power
1938 rally? "Rally for Greater Germany" because Austria was taken over
What was announced at the 1935 rally? Anti semetic policy known as "The Nuremberg Laws"
What did it do? Stripped German Jews of citizenship and forbade intermarriage between Jews and Germans
What was the most famous documentary of the rallies? Triumph of the Will Made in 1934 by Leni Riefenstahl
What was the last Nuremberg rally going to be called for 1939? "Rally for Peace"
Why was it cancelled? Hitler started the second World War by invading Poland
What did the Allies do after the war? Held the Nuremberg Trials which symbolised defeat of the Nazi policies proclaimed there
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