A2 Philosophy (Deontological ethics)


A2 level Philosophy and ethics (A2) Fichas sobre A2 Philosophy (Deontological ethics), creado por Alanis Harridine el 05/05/2015.
Alanis  Harridine
Fichas por Alanis Harridine , actualizado hace más de 1 año
Alanis  Harridine
Creado por Alanis Harridine hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
What is deontology? It refers to some actions that are intrinsically right or wrong (wrong actions are not necessarily wrong, and actions which are right are not necessarily the one which is maximally good).
What does Deontological ethics identify in an action? It identifies those actions which are wrong even if they produce predicted or actual good consequences, and are right simply because of the kind of actions they are.
What are the 5 out of 7 forms of deontology? 1. Rights 2. Contracts 3. Divine command 4. Monistic 5. Duty
What are the rules of Deontology? Deontology reframes us from preforming those actions which are known to be wrong. You cannot break the rule even if serious harm will otherwise occur. It is not consequentialist but is based on guidelines routed in centuries of Jude's.
Who is the main philosopher and what was his explanation of what we must in an action? Kant believed that we have a: 1. moral obligation to do so (DUTY) 2. should have the correct motivation (REASON) 3. we should know what the right thing to do because the two above, are determined objectively not subjectively
What did he mean by Morality was universal? This priori argument based on logic and reasoning, stated that morality was universal because reason is universal, moral reasoning would lead to the same result over and over again.
What did Kant mean by the universe is essentially just? He was postulating a God, and saying the good should always be rewarded and the bad to be punished. However, this doesn't always happen. So for moral law to be satisfied there must be a post-mortem and the universe is to be just, so there must be a God.
Explain and list Kant's imperatives? 1. HYPOTHETICAL imperative (is to have a reason behind them e.g. if I want to do well in my exams I have to work harder). 2. CATEGORICAL imperative (is an end in itself, it expresses our absolute and unconditional duty to act without acceptation in a certain way).
Define what Kant means by UNIVERSALISABILITY? It is to 'act in such a way that their actions might become a universal law' - if the rule is governing/cannot be universalised then it is not morally acceptable.
Define what Kant means by KINGDOM OF ENDS? It is how you need to act as if you are a rule making member of society. - you should act as though everyone else has the same human rights as you.
Define what Kant means by HUMANS AS ENDS? ccc
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