Fossils and Evolution


Fichas sobre Fossils and Evolution, creado por Calista Kusuma el 06/05/2015.
Calista Kusuma
Fichas por Calista Kusuma, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Calista Kusuma
Creado por Calista Kusuma hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Evolution The process by which changes occur in population of organisms over time
Survival of a species depends on reproduction
Natural Selection competition and environmental pressures means that individuals with adaptions that are best suited to an environment are more likely to survive and reproduce, passing the adaptions to the offspring (Survival of the Fittest)
Changes in Environment can be from Physical conditions Chemical conditions Competition for resources
Variety there is variety in all populations variety can be inherited and passed on
Offspring more offspring that can survive are reproduced as parents with bad adaptions die charecteristics increase
isolation and new species new species form due to environmental presures if a population is isolatd and groups are seperated, new species can arise due to different selective pressures isolated populations become different species when they cannot interbreed
evidence for evolution comparative dna comparative embryology comparative anatomy biogeography fossil records
Fossils pRESERVED EVIDENCE OF LIVING ORganisms in rocks and soil
Paleontology Study of the past life
Paleontologists reconstruct envirnments using fossils and geology
what can fossils tell scientists speed size food they ate where they lived
where and how do are fossils preserved sedimentary rock layers cover fossil, decreasing oxygen meaning less decomposition compression, cementation, compaction
absolute dating radioactive isotopes used the decay of the isotopes form stable elements at rates called half lifes 10 half lifes before isotope is used up
original fossil same chem composition as when living
replacement fossil when a part of fossil chemically changes into another material
carbon film fossil when a dead body partially decays and leaves a thin black carbon layer
indirect fossil preserved main parts of things
mould imprints
cast when an organism in a rock dcomposes and the space fills with soil and turns to rock
permafrost permanently frozen land
amber solid plant gum or sap
tar pits occur when oil seeps onto land
peat partly decomposed remains of plants found in bogs or swamps
dry air extremely dry conditions
Riversleigh contains more than 250 sites that are rich with fossils. home to one of the world’s reichest Oligo-Miocene mammal records, providing fossils from the middle to late Tertiary period Queensland bat fossils
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