Graphics - Product Life Cycle


Fichas sobre Graphics - Product Life Cycle, creado por Alphabee el 16/05/2015.
Fichas por Alphabee, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por Alphabee hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
What is the design process? When there's a gap in the market a designer is hired to design a product to fill the gap, the product is then manufactured and sold. Design and market the product towards the target audience.
What is the order of a product life cycle? Introduction, growth, maturity, decline/evolution. (Development can also go before introduction, evolution can go before growth, replacement can go after decline.)
Describe introduction Period of slow sales. Expensive launch. Paying designer, developing product and marketing. Profits are small.
Describe growth Popularity and profit increase. Manufacturing costs go down. Competitors may make similiar products.
Describe maturity Demand hits a peak. The product is well known. Sales are high. More competitors. Product is reduced in price.
Describe decline Sales fall. Profits shrink. Product is withdrawn. May be replaced.
Describe evolution Change of a products design. It's made better and relaunched.
What is obsolescence? When a product is useless/not needed and the consumer has to replace it.
How do you build in obsolescence? Design it poorly, so it breaks quickly. Design the product so it's impossible or really expensive to repair or update. Make the design up to the minute - so it becomes unfashionable quickly.
Advantages of Built in Obsolescence It drives innovation in new replacement products and keeps designers and manufacture.
Disadvantages of Built in Obsolescence Customers might get annoyed if the have to keep replacing a product. It's not environmentally friendly and causes more pollution.
Why are some products designed for maintenance? It would be inconvenient or expensive to replace. It would be dangerous, for example road signs. Customers want products that are maintainable.
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