Crimean War


Fichas sobre Crimean War, creado por eharveyhudl el 20/05/2015.
Fichas por eharveyhudl, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por eharveyhudl hace casi 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
What years were the Crimean War? 1854-56
What was Russia's pretext for the Crimean War? Religion - they were going to turkey to protect the rights of Christians
What could Russia do if they got to the Black Sea? Cut Britain off from India
When was the Battle of Alma? September 1854
When was the Siege of Sebastopol? September 1854 - September 1855
What were the 4 major impacts of reports? 1. Expose how bad the British government is 2. Make heroes like ordinary soldiers 3. Raise money for nursing and medicine 4. Ruined the reputations of Lords
What is William Howard Russell's title? The Times War Correspondent
Why did Roger Fenton not always photograph the true picture? He was instructed not to record the horrors of the war and technology did not allow him to photograph moving objects
Why could Russell's reports be inadequate? He was violently anti- Turk and anti-French, he did not witness all the events he wrote about, he was absent during the winter 1854-55
How was the charge of the light brigade summarised? A propaganda triumph but a military defeat
How many men were killed in the Charge of the Light Brigade? 110
Who issued the first order and who did it end up with? Lord Raglan sent the order to Captain Nolan. Nolan send it to Lucan, but he realises it is suicide so passes it to Lord Cardigan.
What does Cardigan do? Cardigan charges into the valley, realises they will die, so leaves without telling his men
What does Russell's report in The Times about Light Brigade do? He acknowledges it is a defeat, but turns it into a heroic one by saying they were brave.
Who wrote the poem and what did it do? Lord Tennyson, and he bases it on Russell's report, and makes ordinary people into legends
Why was supplying the war difficult? Production is slow and the Crimea is far away
Why was the winer 1854-55 significant? The British public realised there were problems
By November, what did the horses survive on? A handful of barley a day
What happened in The Great Storm? Winds sank British ships that were not in the dock
What was the Steamship Prince carrying? All supplies ordered in August
How many leggings were lost? 40,000
Why did they not attack? Russia were in the same situation
Why was Lord Cardigan a bad leader? He went to his yacht and didn't allow ships in the harbour
How many men were killed by bad hygiene during the winter? 5,000
When did Nightingale arrive? 4 November 1854
When did medical care improve? March 1855
What did the Sanitary Commission do? Investigated causes of disease in the hospital, drained cesspool, disinfected the walls and had one soldier per bed.
When did Mary Seacole set up her hospital? Spring 1855
Why was Mary seacole able to do this? She could set up The British Hotel because she was wealthy and could get supplies
Why didn't the sanitary commission visit the british hotel? It had good sanitation because she had done this before
What did Sidney Herbert do? In 1855, he set up a national appeal for subscription to the nightingale fund
How much did the Nightingale fund receive? several million pounds
Who were nurses before Nightingale? Nuns and prostitutes
What did Nightingale do that Seacole didn't? Interested in the future of nursing, introduced science to nursing, she was good at epidemiology
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