Spartactists League (left)


(3. Political Unrest 1918-23) History-Germany Fichas sobre Spartactists League (left), creado por Emily Tisch el 15/10/2013.
Emily Tisch
Fichas por Emily Tisch, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Emily Tisch
Creado por Emily Tisch hace casi 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
In 1918-19 what where set up due to left-wing uprisings? Workers' and Soldiers' soviets (local councils) in towns throughout Germany
What was the name of the council claiming to be the 'true government' in the left-wing uprising? Council of Commissars
Who were the 'true goverment' a direct threat to? The Government in Berlin, with the president Ebert. (Later to be called Weimar).
Who were the most influential communists leaders and what did they organise? Rosa Luxebourg and Karl Liebknecht. The Spartacists League.
What was the Spartacists league named after? Spartus, the head of the slaves' revolt in Ancient Rome in 73BC.
When did the Spartacists Uprising happen? 6 January 1919
How many communists demostrated in Berlin? Around 100,000
What did the communists do in the uprising? Took over key buildings, such as newspaper offices.
Who made the decision to out down the rebels? Chancellor Ebert and his sdefence minister, Gustav Noske.
What did they realise wouldn't be strong enough to overcome the rebels? The Regular German army (Reichswehr) reduced after treaty of versailles.
What did the Weimar Government do to put down the rebels? The Friekorps (right-wing ex-soldiers).
How long did the uprising last? Only a matter of days.
What happened to Liebknect and Luxemburg? Captured and killed.
What did the violence cause the Government to do? Move from Berlin to Wiemar, hence its name.
How many people were killed? Over 1000.
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