Business Studies U2-1 Key Words


GCSE (Unit 2 (Growing a business)) Business Studies Fichas sobre Business Studies U2-1 Key Words, creado por jadepalmer98 el 19/10/2013.
Fichas por jadepalmer98, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por jadepalmer98 hace casi 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Aim Long term goal - Ie. to make a profit, to survive first year/ to expand internationally, to diversify
Objective A short term goal, always SMART, stepping stones towards an aim, Ie. make £100 per week/ Open 12 shops in Europe in 10 years
SMART Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-scale
Retained Profit Part of profit saved to be put back into the business
Merger When 2 businesses join together and become 1
Diversify Produce a range of goods or services that are different to your existing range
Demerger When a company splits to become 2
Organic Growth AKA. Internal Growth, achieved by increasing turnover and sales
Inputs Resources or factors of production that the business uses to produce its products
Redundant When members of staff are no longer needed
Acquisition AKA. Takeover, taking control of another business by buying over 50% of shares
PLC AKA. Public Limited Company, allowed to sell its share on the stock exchange
LTD AKA. Private Limited Company, only allowed to sell shares to family & friends
Brand name A well-known company or product that consumers know and trust
Royalty A fee paid to a business (franchisor) for using its brand name
Overstretched When a business tries to grow too quickly
Ethical objective Business aim to 'do the right thing', even if not most profitable
Environmental objective Aiming to protect the environment
Social costs Financial and society costs
Social benefits Benefits of business activity to firm and society
Inorganic Growth AKA. External Growth, funded by bank loans and achieved through mergers and acquisitions
Vertical Integration Integrating to DIFFERENT SECTORS, comes in forward and backward forms, Ie, from P>S or S>P
Horizontal Integration Integration in the SAME sector, Ie T>T, for example a clothes shop buying another clothes shop
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