Medicine Through Time Innovators


a level (Medicine Through Time) History Fichas sobre Medicine Through Time Innovators, creado por pauldearden el 21/10/2013.
Fichas por pauldearden, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por pauldearden hace más de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Hippocrates Four Humours Theory
Galen Opposites Theory
Andre Vesalius Anatomy
Ambroise Pare Ligatures
William Harvey The Heart
Edward Jenner Vaccinations
James Simpson Chloroform
Robert Liston Ether
Joseph Lister Pioneered Aseptic Surgery, Carbolic Spray (first antiseptic)
John Snow 'The Father of Epidemiology'
Edwin Chadwick First linked dirt to disease
Florence Nightingale Nursing
Mary Seacole Nursing
Louis Pasteur Germ Theory
Robert Koch Expanded on Germ Theory
Ignaz Semmelweiss Hand washing is essential
Alexander Fleming Discovered Penicillin
Aneurin Bevan Founded the NHS in 1948
Harold Gilles Plastic Surgery
Asclepius Greek God of Healing
Hygeia (hygiene) and Panacea ('cure all') Daughters of Aclepius
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History of Medicine: Ancient Ideas
James McConnell
History- Religion and medicine
History- Medicine through time key figures
Weimar Revision
Tom Mitchell
Hitler and the Nazi Party (1919-23)
Adam Collinge
GCSE History – Social Impact of the Nazi State in 1945
Ben C
Conferences of the Cold War
Alina A
Bay of Pigs Invasion : April 1961
Alina A
The Berlin Crisis
Alina A
Using GoConqr to study History
Sarah Egan
Germany 1918-39
Cam Burke