Evidence Chapter 10


ACT Year 12 Certificate Evidence Fichas sobre Evidence Chapter 10, creado por Penny-Ann Lupton el 06/07/2015.
Penny-Ann Lupton
Fichas por Penny-Ann Lupton, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Penny-Ann Lupton
Creado por Penny-Ann Lupton hace alrededor de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Privilege -STATUS accorded communicated info that makes it unavailable to trier of fact -2 types: by class and by case
Privilege by class 2pts -privilege based on RELATIONSHIP between communicator and recipient -automatic
Privilege by case 2pts -privilege extended to communication on CASE BY CASE basis -not automatic, must meet Wigmore test
Public safety exception 2PTS -exception to privilege -when otherwise protected communication poses THREAT TO PUBLIC safety
Solicitor-client privilege 3 pts -privilege by class -protects communications between lawyer & client - made for purpose of obtaining legal advice
Innocence at stake exception 2pts -exception to solicitor client privilege - when otherwise protected comm necessary to establish client's innocence
Litigation privilege 4pts -privilege by class -protects comm between client's lawyer/law firm & 3rd parties 1. APPLIES to comm between lawyer/law firm & 3rd parties. 2. Litigation must have been COMMENCED/anticipated at time of communication. 3. Dominant PURPOSE of comm is to assist in the litigation.
Without prejudice 2pts -PROTECTION claimed for info provided by a party -prevents the info from being used in court
Spousal privilege -privilege by class -based on spousal relationship that prevents one spouse from testifying against the other
Judge’s privilege -privilege protects judges/administrative tribunal members against disclosing info behind their decisions
Wigmore test -4 criteria for assessing case by-case claims of privilege
Wigmore (1) 3pts -comm must ORIGINATE in confidence they will not be disclosed -if parties at time didn’t think comm CONFIDENTIAL, then no confidential relationship to protect -litigant can’t claim privilege as AFTERTHOUGHT
Wigmore (2) -element of confidentiality must be ESSENTIAL to full & satisfactory maintenance of relationship between the parties
Wigmore (3) relation must be one that COMMUNITY feels sedulously fostered
Wigmore (4) - injury if disclosed > benefit gained for correct disposal of litigation -Overall balancing criterion -Court must assess whether damage to the relationship that would result =greater than benefit gained by having info available to correctly dispose of litigation.
3 criteria determine if SC privelege 1. must be confidential 2. relate to giving/seeking legal advice 3. not criminal
To whom does privilege belong ? 2pts -client -client must release
future privilege 2pts -non violent yes -violent no
murder weapon -not privileged because it exists independent of communication
Solicitor client v Litigation confidentiality 2pts -SC= made in confidence -LIT=not in confidence, just process of litigation
Solicitor client v Litigation legal advice 2pts -SC=made in order to obtain legal advice -LIT=made in context of litigation and not applicable to pre/post lit comm
Solicitor client v Litigation expiry 2pts SC-never expires even after death LIT-only existence during litigation
Solicitor client v Litigation overridden? 2 pts LIT more easily overridden than SC -based on fairness/process arguments
Solicitor client v Litigation 3rd parties SC-protected if agent of lawyer like psychiatrist/translator LIT-more broadly protected if gathered for litigation
Common Law and spousal privilege? Yes or No No
5 differences between SC and LIT privilege -confidence -legal advice -expiry of privilege -deference -3rd party
Innocence at Stake test (Mcclure) threshold 2pts -no other source for exonerating info -otherwise unable to raise reasonable doubt
Innocence at Stake 2part test (Mcclure) -communication exist that could raise reasonable doubt -if exists, judge determines whether likely to raise reasonable doubt
test for public safety exception 3PTS -risk to clearly IDENTIFIABLE person/group -severe INJURY/death/serious psychological harm -IMMINENT
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