Fuit Idioms


Fruit Idioms expressions that have other meaning but includes fruit references
Fichas por CRIS H, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por CRIS H hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
A Lemon If Something Is A LEMON Is Defective And Unsatisfactory
Sour Grapes SOUR GRAPES means To Despite What We Can Not Have
A Bite Of The Cherry A second or another BITE OF THE CHERRY means to get a second chance
A Real Peach A REAL PEACH is something or someone wonderful
A Tree Is Known By Its Fruit A TREE IS KNOWN BY ITS FRUITS means that what you do, your deeds are more an indication of who you are than anything else.
To Bear Fruit TO BEAR FRUIT means that finally you are getting a reward for your efforts
The Apple Of Someone’s Eye THE APPLE OF SOMEONE'S EYE is the thing or person most cherished above all others
Fruit Of Our Labors Whatever we produce is THE FRUIT OF OUR LABORS
To Upset The Applecart TO UPSET THE APPLECART means to ruin something
Forbidden Fruit Things we really want, but are not allowed to have, are called FORBIDDEN FRUIT
A Rotten Apple A ROTTEN APPLE is the one bad person who can spoil everything for everyone else
A Bowl Of Cherries When everything is going well and life is carefree we say that life´s just A BOWL OF CHERRIES
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