Development of the West


GCSE (American West) History Fichas sobre Development of the West, creado por Elizabeth W el 27/10/2013.
Elizabeth W
Fichas por Elizabeth W, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Elizabeth W
Creado por Elizabeth W hace alrededor de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Homestead Act Passed in 1862 Gave 160 acres of land Was free - live on land for 5 years.
Timber and Culture Act Passed in 1873 Gave and extra 160 acres. Had to plant trees on a quarter of it.
The end of the American Civil War 1865 Ex-slaves traveled west. Ex-soldiers traveled west. Plains became more populated.
The completion of the railway 1869 Land was sold cheaply on either side of the railway line. Easier and safer for people to travel west.
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