Common Command Line tools


some basic command line tools
Jessica Rizo
Fichas por Jessica Rizo, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Jessica Rizo
Creado por Jessica Rizo hace más de 3 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
cmd command opens the command line tool when opening the command prompt
taskkill.exe used to terminate processes
shutdown.exe schedule a shutdown (complete/restart) locally/remotely
cd short for chdir changes or displays directory
md short for mkdir makes a directory
rd short for rmdir removes directory
format wipes data off disks and prepares them for new use
copy makes a copy
xcopy like copy but adds copying folders AND files
robocopy Robust File Copy can do more with copying files in new versions of windows (ex. keeping NTFS permissions)
diskpart shows partitions and manage them on the hard drive
sfc System File Checker checks and verifies the version of system files replaces corrupted files with new versions
chkdsk check disk create and display status reports for the hard disk
gpupdate used to update Group Policy settings
gpresult used to show the Resultant Set of Policy (RSoP) report/value for a remote user
dir used to display a list of the files and folders/subdirectories within a directory
dism Deployment Image Servicing and Management used for the management of windows image (.wim) files
net use used to map drive letters to network shares
net user used to allow administrators to list all the local accounts on a windows installation
ipconfig this command assists in diagnoses of network problems with the OS
ping allows to verify network connectivity
tracert used to verify the path a network packet travels to its destination
netstat used to view listening and established network connections for the OS
nslookup used to verify the DNS is working correctly and the correct results are being returned
help and /? help gives general help /? is slightly faster and will give you a bit more info
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