Week 4


Chapters 23-31
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7 stages of deviant identity career 1. People are caught and publicly identified as deviant 2. People will change their attitudes about that individual. 3. Individual develops spoiled identity. 4. The individual's friends will engage in dynamics of exclusion.
7 stages of deviant identity career (cont'd) 5. Others may welcome or include the individual to participate in deviant activities. 6. Others treat those label as deviant differently. 7. People react to this treatment; they start to act how others see them.
Primary deviance refers to a stage when people commit deviant acts, but their deviance goes unrecognized.
Secondary deviance Individuals deny their deviant label but eventually come to accept it reluctantly as it becomes increasingly pressed upon them.
Tertiary deviance deviance embracement; those who do not view their deviant as a bad thing.
5 techniques of neutralization 1.denials of responsibility 2. denying injury 3. denial of the victim 4. appeal to higher loyalties 5.condemning the condemners
Difference between excuses and justifications When giving excuses, individuals admit their wrongfulness of their actions but distance themselves from the blame. With justifications, individuals accept responsibility for their actions but look to have specific instances excused.
Interactionist perspective and contemporary criminological and deviance theory Deviance is viewed as problematic identity rather than an objective condition behavior.
Recognizing refers to the cognitive process by which an individual becomes aware that a particular status is no longer appropriate.
Status Cues make up the public or external component of the identity change process. It is a feature of the social environment that contains information about a certain status or dimension.
Two ways status cues are trasnmitted 1. Actively: communicated through interaction. 2. Passively: exist within the environment but the individual must be sensitized in some way to that information.
Self-evidentiality and the identity change process The less self-evident, the more recognizing process becomes.
Placing refers to a cognitive process whereby an individual comes to identify as appropriate status from among those available.
New Status (Final Stage of Identity Change Process) Internalizing the negative deviant definition of self.
The Stages of Becoming Bisexual Initial Confusion, Finding and Applying the Label, Settling into the Identity, Continued Uncertainty
The social process of developing anorexic or bulimic identities conforming behavior, primary deviance, secondary deviance
Five themes that rapists use to justify their rapes 1. women as seductresses 2. women mean "yes" when they say no 3. most women eventually relax and enjoy it 4. nice girls don't get raped 5. guilty of minor wrongdoing
Excuses to Rape 1. the use of alcohol and drugs 2. emotional problems 3. nice guy image
Denial of Responsibility frees the subject from experiencing culpability for deviance by allowing him or her to perceive themselves as victims for their environment.
Denial of Injury "I didn't really hurt anybody"; allows the offender to perceive of his or her behavior as having no direct harmful consequences to the victim.
Denial of the Victim "They had it coming"; facilitates deviance when it can be justified as retaliation upon a deserving victim.
Condemning the Condemners "the system is corrupt"; it blames the law-makers and law-enforcers.
Appeal to Higher Loyalties "I didn't do it for myself"; legitimizes deviant behavior when a non-conventional social bond creates more immediate and pressing demands than one consistent with conventional society.
What are the five Sykes and Matza categories? 1.Defense of Necessity 2. Everybody does it 3. Justification by comparison 4. Postponement
The Defense of Necessity "I had no other choice"; serves to reduce guilt through the argument that the offender had no choice under the circumstances but to engage in the act.
Everybody Does It Individual attempts to reduce his or her guilt feelings or to justify his or her behavior by arguing that the behavior in question is common.
Justification by Comparison "If I wasn't shoplifting I would be doing something more serious"; justifies their actions by comparing their crimes to more serious crimes.
Postponement "I just don't think about it"; individual suppresses their guilt feelings so they can be dealt with later.
Themes found from cheerleaders' narratives 1. the stigma that coincides with being a cheerleader. 2. Face-saving strategies that men use to protect their masculinity in a female-dominated sport.
Sexuality and Male Cheerleaders Males get question about their sexuality.
With the use of various ploys and concealment and revelation, Aryans project an image of themselves that hides much about their extremism. True.
Two strategies of stigma management strategies of inclusion and strategies of exclusion.
Passing It is suggested that visibility is a crucial factor in attempts to passing.
What needs to be done to pass successfully? To pass successfully, an individual must take his or her stigma invisible so that it is known only to himself or herself and to other similarly situated individuals.
Covering allows individuals to participate in more normative social interactions by reducing the effects their stigma elicits.
Verbal Denigration a form of identity work that allowed homeless kids to distance themselves from the stigmatized "other" and proclaim their superiority over these similarly disparaged groups.
Physical Posturing another form of identity work that grants homeless and non-homeless kids a momentary degree of empowerment.
Sexual Posturing it is use to establish a sense of self in their social groups
Sociologists studying formal organizations contend that organizations are not boundary-maintaining social units where society and culture are both experienced by individuals and reproduced in various sets of social practices. False, they are boundary-maintaing
Culture meanings of shame associated with the body are not simply residues that exists as historical abstractions. True
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