Pregunta | Respuesta |
giant ragweed | ambrosia trifida forb |
basketflower | Centaurea americana forb |
Carolina coralbred | Coccolus carolinus forb |
horse mint | Monarda citriodora forb |
ground cherry | Physalis mollis forb |
salvia | salvia azurea forb |
western horsenettle | Solanum dimidiatum forb |
white heather aster | Symphyotrichum ericoides forb |
big bluestern | Andropogon gerardii grass |
little bluestern | Schizachyrium scoparium grass |
johnsongrass | Sorghum halepense grass |
sensitive briar | Mimosa roemeriana legume |
scurf pea | Psoralidium tenuifolium legume |
common ragweed | Ambrosia artemesiifolia forb |
western ragweed | Ambrosia psilostachya forb |
green antelope horn | Asclepias viridis forb |
prairie bishop | Bifora americana |
false boneset | Brickellia eupatorioides forb |
blackland thistle | Cirsium englemannii forb |
prarie tea | Croton monanthogynus forb |
toothed spurge | Euphorbia dentata forb |
warty spurge | Euphorbia spathulata forb |
firewheel | Gaillardia pulchella forb |
bedstraw | Galium texense forb |
prarie verbena | Glandularia bipinnatifida forb |
prickly lettuce | Lactuca seriola forb |
bladderpod | Lesquerella gracilis forb |
gayfeather | Liatris mucronata forb |
pinkladies | Oenothera sinuosa forb |
woodsorrel | Oxalis stricta forb |
leaf-flower | Phyllanthus polygonoides forb |
obedient plant | Physostegia virginiana forb |
nuttall's prarie parsley | Polytaenia nuttallii forb |
desert chicory | Pyrrhopappus spp. unknown forb |
southern dewberry | Rubus trivialis forb |
fringeleaf wild petunia | Ruellia humilis forb |
violet wild petunia | Ruellia nudiflora forb |
drummond's skullcap | Scuttelaria drummondii forb |
goldenrod | Solidago canadensis forb |
sow-thistle | Sonchus spp. unknown forb |
diamondflowers | Stenaria nigricans forb |
spreading hedgeparsley | Torilis arvensis forb |
nosebum | Tragia brevispica forb |
woody vervain | Verbena stricta forb |
ironweed | Vernonia altissima forb |
sideoats grama | Bouteloua curtipendula grass |
canada wildrye | Elymus canadensis grass |
cupgrass | Eriochloa sericea grass |
ozark grass | Limnodea arkansana grass |
TX wintergrass | Nassella leucotricha grass |
vine mesquite | Panicum obtusum grass |
indiangrass | Sorghastrum nutans grass |
dropseed | Sporobolus compositus grass |
vetch | Vicia spp. unknown legume |
Pink ladies but the other kind | Oenothera speciose forb |
How to distinguish bryophytes? | They are non-vascular, so they are low growing and only reproduce via spores (aka no flowers or seeds) |
What families are included when referring to "graminoids"? | Poaceae (true grasses), Cyperaceae (sedges), and Juncaceae (rushes) |
What are distinguishing characteristics of each of the 3 graminoid families? | |
What are distinguishing characteristics of legumes? | Legumes are members of the pea family (Fabaceae), so they often have pods and colorful inflorescences. To avoid confusing with grasses, they do not have nodes, internodes, or collars. |
What are the 4 major genus' containing legumes? | "Medics" are found in genus Medicago, "true clovers" are found in genus Trifolium, "vetches" are found in genus Vicia, and "lupines" are found in the Lupinus genus |
What are characteristics of Medic (Medicago) legumes? | 3 leaflets, sharp terminal tip, midrib extending beyond the edge of the leaf margin, middle leaflet has a longer petiolule than side leaflets, stipules serrated, seed pods curved. Alfalfa, black medic, barrel medic, and burr clovers |
What are characteristics of true clover (trifolium) legumes? | 3 leaflets on each leaf, often weak stemmed, midrib does not extend beyond leaflet edge, petiolules same length, stipules less serrated than medics, seed pods more often straight than medics. white clover, subterranean clover, etc. |
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