Creado por Óscar Barreiro Doldán
hace más de 3 años
Pregunta | Respuesta |
EAL | English as an Aditional Language (we don't know if it is a second or third language) |
EAP | English for Academic Purposes |
EFL | English as a Foreign Language |
EIL | English as an International Language (to talk about different variaties of English we find around the world) |
ELF | English as Lingua Franca (as a global language, in case we don't know what language other speakers use) |
ELL | English Language Learner |
ELT | English Language Teacher |
ESL | English as a Second Language |
ESP | English for Special/Specific Purposes (e.g. technical English, scientific English, English for medical professionals, English for waiters). |
TEFL | Teachin English as a Foreign Language |
TESL | Teachin English as a Second Language |
YL | Young Learners (This can mean under 18, or much younger) |
VYL | Very Young Learners (early childhood education) |
Absolute Beginners | Student doesn't have any previous idea about English |
Acquisition | A natural and unconsious process in wich you are exposed to a language enviroment, so you "learn" it without effort |
Assessment | The procedures that we use to see if our students are achieving their goals and provides us feedback |
Attempt | It is a kind of mistake that students make when they want to say something but they have not yet learned the language necessary to express it, but they're trying |
Attitude | Feelings of the students towards the foreign language, the learning process and their own capacity (self-confidence). Attitudes can be positive or negative and can change. |
Background Knowledge | The knowledge related to the foreign language that students know before the learning process starts |
Brainstorming | A technique for the spontaneous gathering of ideas/information in which all the members of the class participate |
Bottom-up processing / Inductive learning | From the bottom to the top, to build information with little chunks until we get to the general idea |
Caretaker Talk / Modified Input / Teacher Talk | The type of adapted language we use with our students |
Cognate | Words that are similar in English and in our mother tongue that means the same (restaurant/restaurante) |
Controlled Practice | Exercises where the pupils is not free to choose the answer (multiple option answer) |
Communicative Competence | The ability to use the language in a variety of settings in different situations |
CLT | Communicate Language Teaching (methodology that says to teach not only the structure of a language, but also the uses and purposes of it in different situations, developing the communicative competence) |
Comprehensible Input | It is refered to what a student can understand about the language thanks to the context |
Content-based instruction | Methodology where lessons are organized around topics, themes and/or subjects, rather than language points |
Corrective Feedback | To correct a mistake that was made by a student. It can be done in different ways, explicit or implicit |
CPH | Critical Period Hypothesis: Theory that says the best moment to learn a language is when we are young (open window) |
Delayed Correction | To correct a mistake later on time, not in the moment, in order to not interrupt a conversation, an explanation... |
Display Questions | Questions to which the asker (teacher) already knows the answer. They are asked in order to the students to display their knowledge |
Drilling | To make students repeat the same structures over and over again so, even though they don't know all the words, they can use it when needed (Can I go to the toilet, please?). It can be extensive or intensive. |
Emergency Ativities | Activities we prepare just in case we have more time than we though or we have to change one of them because it doesn't work well |
Error | A kind of mistake that students cannot self-correct because they don't know that they are making it |
Evaluation | The procedures that are used to know if students or teachers have reached the goals at the end or the final product |
Extra-curricular Activities | Activities made after class |
False Cognate | Also called false friends, two words, one in our mother tongue and the other in English, that are similar in form but not in meaning (library/librería) |
Feedback | The response we get from an activity, explanation... It is not only a correction, and it is a two way street |
Fill-in Exercises / Cloze Procedure | Activities that consist on filling the gaps of a sentence with different words, so it is completed |
Flash Cards | A material that can be useful for students to give a quick answer or response. It consist in different cards with colors or pictures that can be held briefly or "flashed" in front of the class |
Fluency | The ability to use the language freely and with ease |
Formative Assessment | A continuous process to assess tasks or a set of tasks, so we can give feedback to our students |
Formulaic Patterns or Routines | Expressions which are learned as unanalysed whooles or "chunks", maybe by drilling (Today is ... of ...) |
Fossilization | A mistake that is difficult to correct because it was made so many times we have learned it and it is not easy to change it know (it is fossilizated) |
Free Activities | Activities where students can give their own answers freely. It gives genuine communication |
Genuine Questions | Questions we ask when there is a focus on information, so the asker doesn't know the answer (Do you like ...?) |
Guided Practice | Activities where students have some sort of choice, but the choice of language is limited (e.g. when we can our students to use the verb "can") |
Handout | The material that is given to our students in order to work with it |
Hearing | When students can hear you, but don't understand you |
Here and Now Activities | Very contextualized activities done related to the students' reality |
Homographs | Pairs or words that are written the same but are pronounced differently, such us "read" (present simple) and "read" (past simple) |
Homophones | Pairs of words that are written differently, but sound the same, such as "made" and "maid" |
Icebreaker | Activity used as a warm up. It’s useful to create risk-free atmosphere and promote the students’ confidence (such as a brainstorm) |
Immersion Programs | Programs where we go to a foreign country in order to learn the language that is spoken |
In Service Teachers (Tt) | Teachers who are already working in schools, even though they are still learning |
Informal Language Learning Setting | A setting in which the second language is not taught, but rather, is learned naturally through informal conversations and interactions with native speakers of the language being learned |
Input | The language which the learner recepts (either written or spoken) in the environment and recieves information of it |
Integrative Task | A task which focuses not only on the practice of a single area of language or strategy. It has a high degree of authenticity in terms of language and content |
Interlanguage | The developing of the second language knowledge, that also has traits of the students mother tongue |
Jigsaw | Any kind of puzzles (cartoon jugsaw...) |
L1 and L2 | L1 refers to the mother tongue (even though some people have more than one mother tongue), while L2 refers to the second language |
Language Learning | A concious process of learning a language which occurs when the learner's objective is to learn |
Layout | It refers to the position of the desks (or tables) inside the classroom |
Lesson Plan | It helps the teacher to know what to do in a class (prepared by themselves) with quite specific activities |
Listening | It requires not only to hear, but also to pay attention and understand the message |
Metalanguage | The language used to describe language items |
Minimal Pair | Is a pair of words which differ only in the two sounds being focused on (ship, sheep) |
Native-like | The ability to speak and comprehend a second language at the level of a native speaker |
Native Speaker | A person who has learned a language from an early age and who has full mastery of that language |
Negotiation of Meaning | Related to the mediation skill, it is the interaction between speakers where they make changes to adapt to the other |
Noisy Activities | Activities that provoke noise. A bit of noise is normal in Elementary School, but we have to be careful |
OHP | Over Head Projector (not used very often nowadays) |
Out of Class Learning | The learning that is produced not inside the class but outdoors (because of the T.V., an English pen friend,...) |
Output | What the learner produces, writing or orally, throughout a task or a set of tasks |
Out - of - class activities | Activities that are done outside the class (clubs, libraries,...) |
Pace | When a teacher spends a long time introducing a new item, the pace is slow. When a lot of new material is introduced the pace is fast |
Paralinguistic Feature | A non-linguistic element that can communicate something whitout using words (body language, for example) |
Peer Correction | A correction done by a peer |
Pre service Tt | What someone do (study) in order to become a teacher |
Processing | Dealing with content/information in order to complete a task. It also refers to the operations performed to understand language input and to produce language output |
Productive skills | The skills where the student gives some sort of output (writing and speaking) |
Quiet Activities | Activities that do not provoke noise, move or excitement to students |
Realia | Any kind of material from an English- speaking country that we can bring to class (to make activities, talks,...) |
Recall | To remember something to our students. Visual aids can be used to make something memorable |
Receptive Skills | The skills where students recieve any kind of input (listening and reading) |
Roleplay | An activity where each student has a role to play. Dramatization is involved. |
Routines | Things that we do regularly, perhaps in each class (Hello! How are you?) |
Scanning | A reading technique which involves glancing quickly through a text to locate a specific piece of information |
Self correction | The pupil corrects a mistake by their own. It isn't possible with errors. |
Skills | This is used in two ways: (i) the four main language skills are listening, speaking, reading and writing (ii) "enabling" skills, which are sub-skills |
Skimming | A reading technique which involves glancing quickly through the text to get the general topic |
SLA | Second Language Acquisition |
Slip | A type of mistake that occurs when students say something that they know it's wrong, but they forgot it at that moment |
Software | All kind of materials we can use in class |
Starters | Activities used to start a lesson or begin a task (like icebreakers or warm-up activities) |
STT | Student Talking Time |
Summative Assessment | The gathering of information about the results of learning (concerning language, strategies, and attitudinal change) at the end of the project (the final mark) |
Target Language (TL) | The language that is being learned (in this case, English) |
Task | The carrying out of an activity/series of activities to achieve a pre-stablished objective |
Task Authenticity | The level of reality of a task |
Teacher Training College | The place where someone studies in order to become a teacher |
Teacher's workload | The amount of work a teacher has |
Topic-based Teaching | A way of organising the learning process around topics or themes |
TTT | Teacher Talking Time |
TPR | Total Physical Response, to learn trough body movements |
Universal Grammar | Based on Chomsky's theory, says that everyone is born with a set of grammar principles common to all languages |
Wh. questions | Questions that have a word starting with Wh- (What, when, where, who) |
Worksheet | A kind of handout where students have too make an activity |
Yes/no Questions Polar Questions | Questions answerable by yes or not |
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