Teacher Yaneth's presentation


In this presentation you will practice about personal pronouns and possessive adjectives
Licda. Yaneth Martinez Molina
Fichas por Licda. Yaneth Martinez Molina, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Licda. Yaneth Martinez Molina
Creado por Licda. Yaneth Martinez Molina hace más de 3 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Let's talk about personal pronouns and possessive adjectives.
What do you use them for? We use personal pronouns (I, me, he, him, etc.) to replace names or nouns when it is clear what they refer to. We use possessives (my, your, her) when it is not necessary to name the person the thing belongs to. We use personal pronouns to avoid repeating nouns.
Let's see some examples:
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